I swear that PunBB had nice circular borders on stuff such as the install screen...
Now i cannot find such a border
could someone tell me if this did ever exist and how it was achieved, thanks in advance.
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PunBB Forums → Posts by parkinm
Pages 1
I swear that PunBB had nice circular borders on stuff such as the install screen...
Now i cannot find such a border
could someone tell me if this did ever exist and how it was achieved, thanks in advance.
I just wondered why on any of the forums you can see the contents of the /include folder?
for example - would be simple enough to hide and you have done on most of the other folders
I have exported my DB from where it is hosted online in an attempt to backup my data and get a local copy working to run tests on etc.
I managed to export everything and then import into a fresh database VIA php myadmin.
All the logins work, the topic names and forums work but I cannot view posts nor does it display how many posts there are.
I have included some pictures.
**NOTE** I also realised that the active forum link I have on the index page, (which links to an external place) now seems to display a date and time relating to the 1970
Any Ideas?
This is just a message to *bump*!
Thanks for your response Matt, but I would really like to hear from one of the Dev's from PunBB if possible!
Hi I have downloaded a copy of PunBB to study it so I understand one way to approach making a php forum.
I have been going through the source code and now have a partial understanding of how it works but I wondered if some things could be clarified by the developers?
I have been looking into how punBB handles page structure, mainly regarding tpl files and output buffering. I understand how this works but I do not have that much experience with it nor do I understand the benefits yet.
My understanding is that the site structure is stored in a .tpl file as a mix of regular and custom tags. The file is read into a variable (tpl_main) where it is searched, replaced and manipulated. For each tag substitution a output buffer is used so that the contents arent instantly displayed but can be later output.
Why did you decide to store the page in a tpl file and thus also why have you chosen to use tag substitution? I have noticed that phpBB also uses tpl files. Is this some kind of standard? On my first glance it seems to be overly complicated just to build a page (all the string substitutions, replacing and searching) just to see the page in another page as custom tags.
Also why at the end of the footer was a exit used to output tpl_main - rather than an echo or print? Is there a particular reason for this?
I hope my questions dont offend you I am really impressed to see a fully compliant xhtml forum, I am just really curious to know why you made certain decisions on the methods you have used.
Thanks again
Pages 1
PunBB Forums → Posts by parkinm
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