Heh, good idea mate, thanks...
2 2008-05-07 00:48
Re: Encrypted password (6 replies, posted in Programming)
So then, how it is workin' in punBB forums? What to do to make log in form using same accounts/passwords as in punBB forum?
3 2008-05-07 00:29
Re: Encrypted password (6 replies, posted in Programming)
Then how to unhash 'em / use them in another log in form?
4 2008-05-07 00:17
Topic: Encrypted password (6 replies, posted in Programming)
id like to use account and passwords from punbb forums in my other php thing. But when I look with phpmyadmin onto password, they are not lookin' as the ones I use. Are they somehow encrypted? How do decrypt 'em?