// Ugly hack:  limit 100 workaround for punbb internal limitation Ju 20070529 other hack since we're big  order by posted desc /o\
$result = $db->query('SELECT t.id FROM '.$db->prefix.'topics AS t INNER JOIN '.$db->prefix.'forums AS f ON f.id=t.forum_id LEFT JOIN
'.$db->prefix.'forum_perms AS fp ON (fp.forum_id=f.id AND fp.group_id='.$pun_user['g_id'].') WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND t.num_replies=0 A
ND t.moved_to IS NULL and f.id!=7 and f.id!=43 and f.id!=8 and f.id!=4  order by posted desc limit 100') or error('Unable to fetch topic list', __FILE__, __LINE__,

Here is the code of the search.php action, the troubled query being search.php?action=show_unanswered

EDIT: the Ugly hack has recently been added by Ju (one of the admins).

Just ask if you need more information. thanks again for help

Thanks for your answer, Smartys.

I just requested the admins for additional information. I'll keep you updated

Hi all

On the Ubuntu-fr forum, powered by PunBB, the show_unanswered query has been displaying this result for a few weeks: Your query did not send any result (instead of a possible "there is no answer to your query"). It seems that this result is due to a huge number of possible answers.

By now, the administrators of the forum limited the query to all hundred last unanswered posts. here are the questions:
- is there any PunBB configurable -or not- limit to a query, and especially this one?

Some tests were done by members:
querying "nvidia": about 8300 posts, on 278 pages
querying "ati": about 7500 posts, on 252 pages
querying "ubuntu": No hits (strange as it has been done on an Ubuntu forum)
querying "drivers": No hits (we all know there are no drivers issue on Linux wink

Here is the post on this subject (sorry, french post): http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.ph … 10#p961010

EDIT: Is there any mean to force this query to return only the related posts of the last week, 2 weeks or month?

Thanks for any suggestion to help the admins