(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

yemgi wrote:

I am afraid there is no other way. That is a bit strange though are you able to upload avatars ?

No idea.  I was told by administrator that web server does not allow any php to upload files.  Period.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

what if i want something like that [ email ] (only without spaces


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I wanted to use Attachment mod 2.01 for my forum.  Administrator won't allow it for security reasons (php writing to disk is locked).  Is there any other way?

Thanks, Marko


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Is there a way to put square bracket in the text?  Very useful if you want someone to show how to use BBCode!

Thanks, Marko

Smartys wrote:

Or you could have the users register and create a forum that only newly registered users can see (but not post in) that explains what information to send to get confirmed

That I'll do.

pogenwurst wrote:

I see. Does it matter if prospective registrants see each others' "proof"? If not, then you can make a single forum only accessible to them in which they may "prove" themselves.

Oh, yeah, this is a possibility, but it is less secure and not much simpler for use.  But thanks for the idea anyway.


pogenwurst wrote:

They don't have to email you; just add your email to the list of addresses to notify of new user registrations.

Or do you want users to write something saying why they should join?

I want them to prove to me that they are eligible to join (in particular to be residents of the new building we all moved in).  We are gonna sue investor of the building for many errors and naturally we do not want investor to read what we talk between ourselves.

Smartys wrote:

That's not difficult to do right now. Simply create a new user group, take away its permissions, and set it as the default group for new users.

Yep, I already did that.  But it is complicate to explain users that first they have to register and then to log in and then send me email and only then they will become confirmed users.

And of course explain the difference between unconfirmed and confirmed user.  But - as you pointed out - it works.

It would be nice if one could make PunBB closed type of forum.  Eg. that one that wants to join forum, should be confirmed by administrator / moderator.

I hope this idea is not a crazy one.

Smartys wrote:

You should talk to the person who installed your forum for you wink

Yeah, but he is damn unavailable till tomorrow.

I invited lots of ppl and now I get complaints.  I should never let others to install forum for me. :-(

Smartys wrote:

Searching for that error on these forums, it looks like you modified your database tables.

Oh, yes, thanks.  But then, someone else installed forum for me.  So I am totally blank what to do next.  Change username encoding?  How where?

Smartys wrote:

Enable debug mode, paste the full error

File: /var/www/html/www.pinteric.com/vile/register.php
Line: 135

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch user info

Database reported: Illegal mix of collations (latin2_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' (Errno: 1267)

I have installed PunBB forum and there is something wrong with it.

When a new user wants to register, after pushing "Register" button, one gets message "Unable to fetch user info."

Any idea what is wrong?