I want to know if anyone can help me with this. I don't even know if it's possible.

I want to be able to have ads for let's say moderators. So when they are logged on to the forum they can se ads like "Special offer for moderators" as an image on the site. But I want to use it outside the forum, but use the same session (or whats used). Anyone know how I can do this?

Little like this: (just to explain)

If moderator: show this ad

Ok, thank you! smile

I read the license but I can't find if I can use PunBB at my site if I also have a webshop at the site (Commercial site.)

Is PunBB ok to use for that?

I started to use AP_News_Generator some time ago, but I don't want the generator to make the <p> and </p> in this code (news.html):

<font class="rubrik">Test igen!</font>
<font class="brodtext">2007-04-02 22:35 | <a href="http://www.mydomain.se/forum/viewtopic.php?id=59">Kommentera</a></font>
<font class="brodtext"><p>test</p></font>

Can you help me? wink

I don't want to use it because it's mess with my other code.