care to develop further how you managed to integrate flash in the template file?



Thx a lot mate for taking the time to write this down. I really appreciate it.

I'm going to make a fresh install and toy around. Just one question to make sure: all the code chunks have to be added to functions.php ?

Thx again

Hi PhaxeNor

Thx for the reply. I'm trying to reach your website but I get either a timeout or a blank page when I sucessfully reach it. Although My connection is working fine, I'll test it again when I get home.
In the meantime do you mind explaining how you managed to get Mods change groups for a user? Was it a mod/plugin you've used, code hack, or a feature that is delivered by default with punBB and I'm totally blind and can't see it?



(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thx Mat, Looks like main menu nav elements are indeed in the functions.php. I'll poke around and see if I can get rid off the Profile element, without breaking the rest of the code smile

EDIT: Problem solved. For others who might be looking to hide menu elements, check functions.php starting from line 267


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I'm using punBB through a bridge of TypoLight CMS.
All members profile details are edited through the CMS so I want to deactivate the appearance of the Profile in the punBB menu.
What files should I look to edit ?

TIA for your input

Hi guys

I have 5 groups in my punbb install:
Group A
Group B

By default all new members are set be part of the Group A.  I want to permit the moderator to be able to manually move  users to Group B. I checked the group preferences to see if I could give that right to the moderators but looks like this is possible only for admins. Is there any mod/plugin or code hack that would permit me do this ?

Thx in advance

Paul: yeah I tried that but it didn't help

Smartys: ??

Tunox wrote:

Satay method will be coming as soon as I have at least the flash showing up

Hi Steven

Sry no link available. The forum is non-public and only for the association member and I have no rights to add/edit/delete.

I choosed to add punBB inside a "container" within the original website template hence the flash in that header is outside punwrap. The fact that I have markup outside punwrap afffects the behaviour of those elements?!

I didn't include the code at first as there's nothing particular to it in the sense that it's a simple flash object and positioned by CSS. And don't bother pointing out that that flash isn't accessible as I'm aware of that. Satay method will be coming as soon as I have at least the flash showing up. This is voulontary job so I'm trying to spend as little time as possible.


css of that block:

Thx for any further input.

How did you do it the first time? Was it simply by editing the main.tpl or u had to add some extra lines in any other file of punBB?
anyway in my case the outcome is 0 in both browsers. At least you have to sort out only FF which indicates a browser related issue.

Hi guys,

I have a flash banner to use on top of the page as in every other page of the website. I've added an extra div right before <div id="punwrap"> and styled via the css. I have the flash div showing (right clicking will bring up the classic flash contextual menu) but instead of having the animation I simply have a white block. The swf file is in the same dir with the tpl include/template/ so there are no path errors.

Are there specific rules to follow and know limitations on using flash in punbb templates? Anyone has an example of a forum with a flash file in the template ?

Thx a lot

Maybe I'm blind but I can't see any permission settings to associate a given group with a category.
Please could you tell me exactly where these options are?
EDIT: Ok found it . DEFINITELY blind. Long sleepless night has that effect

Greetings everyone,

I just did a fresh install of punBB, which since 1 week is bridged with TypoLight CMS, and I'm playing around to get familiar with.
I have 2 categories in the forum and depending on the user rights some users can see cat1 and others cat2. Admin will decide what users are allowed to participate in a given category.
By default is there any option to assign a user to a given category? I'm looking around and maybe I'm blind but I can't find any setting in the admin section.
