(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Well, these images can be any size we want. The only thing was a correct statement of file name - it should contain proportion of image size. For example, Gilberto_100x25.png. Apparently, it's a mod developer "feature", to determine the image size.

Finally, for example, here's how that mod looks like:
In viewtopic.php:


In admin-panel:



(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Rich Pedley wrote:

or are you really thinking of a different image for every user?

Yeah, why not? tongue

Well, I'll try to explain why i need this feature, that you didn't think that I'm insane smile

The thing is that I have an "Arsenal" FC supporters forum. So, when the forum was on PunBB 1.2.x I adapted Image Awards mod as follows:
I made T-shirts-pictures with names of "Arsenal" players. For all active forum users - if their request and at their choice - I could appoint an award-picture. As you can guess, it wasn't based on posts count, or anytyng like that, it's just for all, who I wanted to assign with award in admin-panel. You know, it's like touch the idol, or a legend for them, that's a great feature. That's why I want to return it to the PunBB 1.3. I found your "Group Image" extension, and I thought that it is the closest to what I want.

I hope you understand all I wrote, but I have to sorry for my English - it's very bad.

In any case, thanks for an interesting extension - "Group Images" wink


(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Rich Pedley wrote:

Group Images

Adds images for user groups based on number of posts. Several images are included, but you can easily add more.

Rich Pedley, is it possible to modify this extensoin, that the images will be set to individual users? Like in Image Awards mod for 1.2.x.


(22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

YonasH wrote:

I can do this extension, but really don't have time now ... Maybe in next week.

We can wait for you, YonasH!


(22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I think that such of extension would be useful not only for me. Analogue of mod Online Today for 1.2.x. I think it can be written in five minutes, but I don't have enough knowledge of PHP. Therefore, all hope for community smile


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

New design. I tryed to integrate it with my site smile

quaker, did you change your PunBB version to 1.3 on PunLancer? It's looks like 1.3, and I can't understand - maybe it's just a template for 1.2 (because the posts not in 1.3 style looks)...
That's why I ask smile


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

sirena wrote:

- variable not fixed width

Yeah, it's good, but then it is necessary to change picture in header, so that it would look beautiful and well with any screen resolution. For this most simply make this picture from several parts.
On Arsamania I can't make width in %, because I'm lazy to paint the new header picture smile. But it's always in my TODO list smile

PS: Sorry for my English...


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


I'm "the guy who runs arsamania.ru", so my skin is based on VbStyle-Red, I only modified it a little, add header and change some colours.

Anyway, you can take any skin you like, and change it how you like - and that's one of the many reasons on which I use precisely PunBB. The simple code, and simple edit.

Forgive me for this small offtopic smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Nice work!


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

sirena thanks again! For any country the great honor to host Olympiad, so I hope Russia will manage this task on excellently.

One disappoints - it takes a long time to wait till 2014 smile


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I am glad that it was pleased to you. It especially pleases the "Arsenal" fans.
But in spite of this, I'm thinking to replace current site skin to something… something more beautiful and more functional.
Shhhh! Don't tell anyone, there's a secret wink


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

thx smile

junerijus wrote:

I have some trouble  when isntalling atachment mod , when  I run the install_mod.php   I receive error message "can` t  create directory blah   wit permisions 0750" , maybe  I just missed some instaliation step

I have some troubles when installing mods too, it's necessary to appear some more patience and attentivenesses, check all steps of install again, and I'm sure it will work. Also check read/write permissions.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

So, I think it's time to show my PunBB forum to the world wink . There's a lot of work been done, but it's not finished.
Oh! I forgot the address smile - http://arsamania.ru/forum/index.php

Here's the small list of all mods installed on my version of PunBB:

1. Modern BB code
2. Quick Quote and Nick Paste
3. View All Post on 1 page
4. Printable Topic Version Mod
5. Edit Grace Period
5. Add Topic Title
6. Attachment Mod
7. AntiBot
8. Easy Poll +2
9. Easy-Read Time Zone Options
10. Image Awards
11. Merge posts
12. Private Message Mod
13. Most users online at one time
14. Online Today
15. Online Offline in Colors
16. Reputation mod

Skin based on VbStyle-Red, modificated by myself.

Thank's, and I hope you like it!

PS: Sorry for my english