Sorry for doublepost..however it would be great if someone could tell how to protect config.php file from beeing viewed by any visitor..? I thought about moving that file to subfolder and then in apache config file deny that folder from beeing accesed by anyone but is there some way i can protect that file without moving it - that way i won`t be needed to edit any files and change location of config.php..

Nevermind..i found all what i wanted..registration.php in main directory was that file for registration settings. Tnx anyway.(:

Hi there. I recently downloaded and installed your forum soft and tested it. Fantastic piece. Keep up good work. smile However i wanted to ask something:
For example where to modify registration settings? And also i want to know if registration flood protection from one IP can be disabled or changed default time which is 1hour? Is there some global setings file? That would be all for now.. big_smile Tnx.(: