It worked smile Thanks for your time.

I did not.

My previous (own) box, used a local mail-program (therefore the blanc field in the administration panel did not really cause any problem, I guess)

I will try to find a SMTP server and let you know if it worked!

thanks smile


I noticed that punBB is not able anymore to send emails... I discovered this when new users couldn't receive there "confirmation-email" when registrering (neither does the internal feature of sending emails among users work). I don't know how to track down the problem for this, since I don't see any errors popping up... However, I did change hosts recently, probably that has to do something with it. I'm wondering what can be done about this?

I conjectured already the following problems
- php is configured wrong
- I guess sending those mails is done by SMTP (and the mailserver is down)
- some permissions are set incorrectly
- some cronjob is not properly installed by just re-uploading the files to the new server.

Thanks in advance