(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thank you all for the information!  smile
Maybe I can use one of them.
But, there was a mod in the forums here or at http://www.punres.org
about how to it!


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can not find this, but hope someone can...  smile

I want a log off link by the the user-name at the top!

Also, is it possible to add a animated gif to the redirection page like in IPB(Invision Power Board)?



(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I have downloaded the newest version of PunBB and tried a few mods!
The mods I downloaded are not compatible with the new version.

Since I am new to PunBB, which version shall I go with to get the majority
of the mods I want to work?
After someone suggest which version, can you then upgrade to the newest version
of PunBB or what?

I know it takes a long time to make a mod, but please understand this from a
"newbie" to PunBB and the mods!

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciative!


Smartys wrote:

Moved to Modifications

Is this to be considered a "mod?"  smile

Sorry that I posted in the wrong forum!  sad

Hope someone can help me out on this!


How can I delete the "PunBB support" and "Affiliates" boxes?

Also, I would like to move the "Top Posters" box to the upper right
and the "Menu" under the "Who's Online" box on the left!


btw..Can someone tell me what gallery mod works with the
newest version of PunBB!  smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Issue is resolved!  smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

quaker wrote:

yo dude, check out http://punres.org all the answer will be there.. look at the wiki.... on punres.org..


Thanks, but I already know about this..that is why I am asking!
I have overlooked these some how and need the help!  smile



(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks to all that help me..  smile

It is all clear now!


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I am new to PunBB and have a few questions to ask:   smile

(1) How can you add/remove the custom boxes, eg. Affiliates?

(2) How can you change the login box from the right to the left side?

(3) I might have overlooked this one, but does PunBB have a help section
so members/guests can go to for a specific task, etc.?

(4) Why is there not a calendar on the main page?



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


I am getting this error before or after installing the  Automatic Image Upload and gallery add on mods!
Sorry!!  sad

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare check_cookie() (previously declared in /home/******/html/include/functions.php:28) in /home/*******/html/include/functions.php on line 28

Any help would be greatly appreciative!  smile


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)


First of all, my hat goes off to all that is involved with the PunBB project!  smile

Now..my questions:
Can someone  "translate" the "em" font size to "pt" and/or "pt"

I have some members stating that the font is too small, and I have no idea
in how to change the "em" font!

Also, is there a tutorial mod or similar mod?


btw..if this is posted in the wrong place, please accept my apology!