OK, this one can be marked as "SOLVED" . For anyone wondering, here's what I did.
When logging in, I have my checklogin.php file which checks the existing DB and if they are a member of the site it logs the session info for the members only areas. Then, after that it logs the cookie info for the forum so from within the members section they just click on a link to the forums and they are already logged in there too.
Here's what I did....after my session logging, I added this from the punBB login.php:
//from punBB login.php - stripped down a bit
define('PUN_ROOT', './members/forum/');
//from my login form
$form_username = trim($_POST['myusername']);
$form_password = trim($_POST['mypassword']);
$username_sql = ($db_type == 'mysql' || $db_type == 'mysqli') ? 'username=\''.$db->escape($form_username).'\'' : 'LOWER(username)=LOWER(\''.$db->escape($form_username).'\')';
$result = $db->query('SELECT id, group_id, password, save_pass FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE '.$username_sql) or error('Unable to fetch user info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
list($user_id, $group_id, $db_password_hash, $save_pass) = $db->fetch_row($result);
$authorized = false;
if (!empty($db_password_hash))
$sha1_in_db = (strlen($db_password_hash) == 40) ? true : false;
$sha1_available = (function_exists('sha1') || function_exists('mhash')) ? true : false;
$form_password_hash = pun_hash($form_password); // This could result in either an SHA-1 or an MD5 hash (depends on $sha1_available)
if ($sha1_in_db && $sha1_available && $db_password_hash == $form_password_hash)
$authorized = true;
else if (!$sha1_in_db && $db_password_hash == md5($form_password))
$authorized = true;
if ($sha1_available) // There's an MD5 hash in the database, but SHA1 hashing is available, so we update the DB
$db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'users SET password=\''.$form_password_hash.'\' WHERE id='.$user_id) or error('Unable to update user password', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
if (!$authorized)
message($lang_login['Wrong user/pass'].' <a href="login.php?action=forget">'.$lang_login['Forgotten pass'].'</a>');
// Update the status if this is the first time the user logged in
if ($group_id == PUN_UNVERIFIED)
$db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'users SET group_id='.$pun_config['o_default_user_group'].' WHERE id='.$user_id) or error('Unable to update user status', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
// Remove this users guest entry from the online list
$db->query('DELETE FROM '.$db->prefix.'online WHERE ident=\''.$db->escape(get_remote_address()).'\'') or error('Unable to delete from online list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$expire = ($save_pass == '1') ? time() + 31536000 : 0;
pun_setcookie($user_id, $form_password_hash, $expire);
...and then after this just a header ("location:xxx.php"); to my members area.
Smarty...thanks for the help...just "talking" it through helps sometimes.