Except a right click hint would be useless to anyone who used an application which didn't support right click actions (or chmodding with right clicking).
Calling it what it is (chmodding) allows you to search and find out how to do it.
I would assume most newer applications do support right clicking and those having an issue are new to chmod-ing, but you know what they say about those who ass-u-me too much, dontcha?
I still think it would be great to include it. A few install sheets I've read will give an instruction (with the most obvious exception to the rule) in parenthesis or something like it. Having to Google some things has had the effect of me not using a platform/software. I know others who just walk away.
I am persistent and will always come back later but at some point a Google leads to houyrs of more Google.
It is like most blogs that link to blogs that link to blogs back to where you started from.
the more difficulty with an installation...
I found the solution after hunting through the older threads. Most people have not the time.
maybe a common errors in installation thread pinned would help?
but thanks for the reply