elbekko wrote:

You aren't required to have MySQL locally, no. Your host has to have it installed.

It could be your host is blocking install files. Try renaming install.php through FTP to something else, like firstrun.php.

Another thing you should check is your error log, if you know where it is smile

The host has it installed.
Renamed files help? Thanks, i would try.

Help me please, i just can't get to the install page.

Urilockz wrote:
Arteval wrote:
Urilockz wrote:


I got a blank page which doesn't load.
I really don't know whats wrong.

You are replacing 'yoursite' with your actual site right?

Yeah, i've tried quite a couple of times.

You mean we need the 'MySQL' software on the computer?
And to edit the 'confiq.php' file?

Urilockz wrote:


I got a blank page which doesn't load.
I really don't know whats wrong.

Oh yeah, about MySQL, the host has it.

Urilockz wrote:

Your mysql settings or something in your config.php is incorrect.

We need to have 'MySQL' ? I'm following the video tutorial, they used FireFTP, so i followed.

Smartys wrote:

He hasn't run install.php yet and thus has no config.php file wink

How do we run Install.php?

Anyway, thanks! (:

Here's the problem,
I was trying to install this PunBB to my desired website.
My free host was x10hosting.

I followed the video tutorial closely.
I'm sure i didn't miss a step or something.
I upload the files in "upload".

I would need to go to http://zooclub.x10hosting.com/forum ?
After loading that page, it had a blank page with a few words on it.

It read,

The file 'config.php' doesn't exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first.

I clicked on 'install.php', it was a link.
As the video tutorial told us to click on it, another installation page would show.

I clicked on it but, it came to a blank page, without text or anything.
I was stuck in that part of the tutorial since i didn't know how to solve it.

So can any kind souls help me out? (:
Or can someone help me install it?

Thanks, AV.