I think you should make something like IPB or phpBB where you pick the permissions for each forum, not the entire thing. I have a news and announcements forum, and I want guests to be able to reply like comments, but on the other forums I don't want guests to post. And on the news and announcements forum, I only allow admins to post, but I don't want to close the forum. This is what I mean:
2 2004-04-24 03:44
Re: INFO: Bad HTTP_REFERER (180 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
AznCFrk wrote:I think protecting my computer would be more important than protecting my forums.
Agreed. But there are far better ways of doing it that using Norton Internet Security. In any case, hiding the referrer isn't really a security issue, just a privacy one, and not very important at that.
From what I remember NIS allows you to set up rules for specific sites so it could be set up to allow referrer information for your forum but not for any other sites. I think it's under "Web Rules" somewhere.
I can't find it. BTW, I'm using NIS 2003, and it's not Professional, so I guess its home or whatever.
3 2004-04-24 03:42
Topic: extern.php not working (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
My code:
<?php include("../forums/extern.php?action=new&show=10&fid=1");?>
It's simply just not displaying anything!
4 2004-04-24 00:40
Re: INFO: Bad HTTP_REFERER (180 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I think protecting my computer would be more important than protecting my forums.
5 2004-04-23 02:18
Re: INFO: Bad HTTP_REFERER (180 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
alinear wrote:Sorry I hadn't 'disabled' it per se -- I had 'disabled' it in the browser in the sense that I had it shutting off ad/content filtering.
But can't you just make Norton not tamper with HTTP_REFERER? There must be some setting for it.
alinear wrote:Is there any simple way to temporarily disable the check?
No, the only way is to disable it is by commenting out the code you did above.
alinear wrote:I tried commenting out the function (as above) but this does not help -- it still gives me the same issue so long as my firewall isn't disabled.
That's not possible. If you commented out the code as you showed in your previous post, the referer check is disabled completely. If you were getting the error message even after commenting out that code, you must have been watching a cached version of the page or something. You didn't just forget to upload after you made the changes?
Same thing is happening to me. I commented it out, but it still shows it.
This is what I have done so far:
- Norton Internet Security = ON
- Cleared cache
- Used IE and Firefox
- Base URL set as http://chaosgamers.com/forums
- Accessed by http://chaosgamers.com/forums/admin_options.php
- Commented out the function
- Replaced commented function with "dump" script
I really wnat this to be an alternative to phpBB like that other guy. I'm getting fustrated and might switch back. I don't get whats the problem.
edit: i disabled norton for a few seconds and hit submit... it worked... as soon as i turn it back on, it doesnt work. how can i completly REMOVE the check? commenting it out does not work for me...
6 2004-04-23 02:06
Re: Quote borders (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
TD.punquote {
background-color: #484848;
border: #606060;
border-style: dashed;
border-width: 1px
TD.punquote {
background-color: #484848;
border: #606060 1px solid;
font-style: italic;
I think that should work...
7 2004-04-23 01:29
Topic: Bad HTTP_REFERER!! (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Hi. I just installed PunBB. My forums are at http://www.chaosgamers.com/forums and I cannot update anything in the admin section because of Bad HTTP_REFERER. I set my base URL to http://chaosgamers.com/forums. I don't get whats wrong!! I love your script, but if this problem doesn't get solved then I'll have to switch
Edit: My forums says it's closed, but it's still there. I have an index.html page because its down for matanence.
8 2004-04-22 03:54
Re: Smiley Set (25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
This is way off-topic. This post was supposed to be about the smilie set, not compressing and extracting utilities.