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After searching for the bad referrer I was getting I set my new firewall program to off and no more Bad referrer error. Thanks Smartys for all of your help. Mark this issue solved please, and please note the
You can disable mod_security for your domain by adding the line "SecFilterEngine Off" in your htaccess file.
for those with access to this, adding this should help with your mod security setting on your domain!
Thanks smartys, I talked to my host and they said:
We have removed the mod_security rule that was causing the issue.
Please try now and let us know the results. If the issue persists, please let us know the exact steps to recreate the error.
You can disable mod_security for your domain by adding the line "SecFilterEngine Off" in your htaccess file.
although they did this, the issues are still present any ideas on what I need to tell them? I have outlined the steps for them to see error...
Thanks again
Smartys this is what I am getting now with the htaccess modified:
Bad HTTP_REFERER. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source. If the problem persists please make sure that 'Base URL' is correctly set in Admin/Options and that you are visiting the forum by navigating to that URL. More information regarding the referrer check can be found in the PunBB documentation
hmmm, okay any ideas on how I might try to get this fixed. I was able to use it before without a problem and my host works with me really well.
Thank you Smartys!!
I did for the captchabox mod but when I saw it would not let me update anything change usergroup or delete I downloaded a new punbb and repalced all the files it did not correct anything
oh also, DeBug showed no errors
sent one to you
Thanks smartys
Thanks I emailed account access and url
Sorry if this has been asked before and I have searched the forums with no avail..
When I click delete a user in the admin panel I get a redirect to my home page(non forum) instead of a delete confirmation. User remains intact??
I only had CaptchaBox installed as a mod, I think, it has been a while. I even uninstalled the CaptchaBox but no good.. As a last ditch effort I replaced all forum files with new fresh ones, still does not delete users only redirects. What am I doing wrong..
Running PunBB 1.2.15
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 4.4.3
MySQL 4.1.22-standard
Thanks in advance for any help.
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