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No modifications, sure : before the update all was perfect, and now, with the old file functions.php, all is perfect again.
I just upload again the new file = same problem ; after I uploaded the old file = no problem, perfect !
I'm sure it's with this file, but why ?
Hi !
I upgraded my forum from 1.2.15 to 1.2.16, saturday.
Since : problems of login and logout (IE7 and also with firefox, but less). I must to login again or go to the adress bar again : after it's OK, but sometimes also I see a message error when I post a topic and I cann't logout.
Also, my members. I suspect the redirect function.
This day, I replace the file functions.php 1.2.16 with the 1.2.15 : now all is perfect again !!!!
Have you an idea ?
Thanks in advance !
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