Now i delete the Table search_word in my SQL Database!

Actualy error massage is:

File: /home/familiec/public_html/forum/include/search_idx.php
Line: 132

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch search index words

Database reported: Table 'familiec_pbb5.search_words' doesn't exist (Errno: 1146)

Can i create a new one or can i trash my Forum now? dosent work.


Has someone other a idea?

Both of them

Here the message from the plug in:

repair table search_words;

Table    Op                              Msg_type                                                 Msg_text
familiec_pbb5.search_words    repair    status                                                Table is already up to date

Queries Done

repair table search_words;

Yeah yeah yeah!!!

Now it works! I have learned much in this few posts.

Thank you very much Smartys!

Do you mean i need to edit the file?

O my god!!! hehe

How do i run SQL query? I do not understand what that mean. I am a real Amateur in this things.


familiec_pbb5.search_words                         Table is already up to date

What is it mean?

Thanks for the tip

Here ist the full error message:

File: /home/familiec/public_html/forum/include/search_idx.php
Line: 132

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch search index words

Database reported: Table './familiec_pbb5/search_words' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (Errno: 145)

How can i enebla debug mode?

I see, im a noob in this things.

How do i update this file?

Hi Everyone.

If a User Post in the forum it comes following error:

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to fetch search index words.

But the Post will be shown correctly after the error message.

What can i do?

PS.: Sorry about my englisch!

Hi everyone.

I changed the Name of the forum folder on my server. Now, the forum wil redirect the user to the old folder (to the old url). That happens after a post or after changing Admin Funktions or Options. Any time, the forum wil redirect me to the old folder.

What can i do?

PS.: Sorry about my english! hehe