I need to enter a few hundred posts from my old forum into my new punbb forum.  I would like very much to modify the post date to match the original in the old forum.   How can I change the post date?


I have a few hundred posts from my old forum in text format, and I'd like to add them to my new punbb forum. 
To simplify things, I'd like to make all these posts as guest.
Does anybody have some PHP sample code that I can use as a starting point? 


guardian34 wrote:

Would the web server be able to write to that directory?

It's all a matter of permission attributes.  same as the app directory.

I have a few questions regarding the Backup plugin in conjunction with SQlite.

1. How do I restore such a backup?
2. I tried to pipe the backup into the SQLITE utility, it would not work.
3. What is the difference bewtween a backup created by this plugin and a backup created by the SQLITE .DUMP command?
4. The Backup plugin creates backup files that have no read permission other than U=rw. Quite inconvenient.
5. When using the "Save it onto the servers filesystem" option, the default location is the punbb directory.  I think the default should be the database directory (which is a different one, in my case).
