Hi. I'm new. So new, I don't even have a copy of my own PunBB.

I have a local user group I gave some free hosting space to and they use PunBB (hey user groups helped me get started in my early days, it's nice to give back to my local ones). I've got some weird entries in my server logs and I wanted to rule out PunBB and anything else the group is doing on the server (they know more about this stuff than the average bear and hence can get in more trouble).

The main thing I'm looking for is how do I tell what version they are using without logging in as Admin? Is it possible for me to tell? I do have root access to the server so I can look at code but I don't want to mess with their site at all (yes I could ask them, but it will take a couple of days to find the right person and have them get back to me).

After that, I think I might have to take a look at PunBB. I have a non-profit that needs a forum tool and I'm not keen on phpBB (I don't need to go into details and I don't want to slam them, I know they just came out with an update and I'm sure it's nice). I'd just like to take a look and learn some more.

Any help is greatly appreciated.