Thanks Paul,

Advice was perfect and I've now fixed all the minor problems.

I really appreciate your help.

Best Wishes,

Hello Again,

I have been running version an earlier version of PunBB for the last year or so, and just upgraded to 1.2.5 today.

Unfortunately there where a lot of small mods I had made to this script that I had forgotten about that were wiped out when I upgraded.

I've managed to change most of the things back to the way they were but there are a couple of things I'm still having trouble with.

Firstly, have a look at my homepage: , specifically the latest forum posts box at the top left. Since upgrading, bullet points have appeared beside each forum thread. While these look fine in IE they are outside the box in Firefox and other browsers, so I need to know how to get rid of them?

Next ,if you go to the forums part of the site: you'll see I've tried to keep the design similar to my homepage.
I've messed about with main.tpl to try and get rid of the text heading and have my logo there instead. It's worked pretty well, except that the menu bar just below the logo has been shrunk (there are now small gaps at either side of it). I'm not sure what I've done wrong, here is what I changed in main.tpl:


<div id="punwrap">
<div id="pun<pun_page>" class="pun">

<div id="brdheader" class="block">
    <div class="box">
        <div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">
            <div align="right"><a href="/"><img src="../../../images/everythingforum.gif" alt=" :: place free ads, find jobs, property, love, romance and more in ireland. everything is free at at now click here to go back to homepage" width="255" height="65" border="0"></a>


Perhaps someone can let me know what I need to change to fix this.

And finally, as you can see I've added a link in the bar at the top of the page (:: Homepage :: ), but how do I go about changing the names of the other links in this bar (eg. to change "Index" to "Forums Homepage")

Sorry for the rambling post, I basically want to:
(1) Ged rid of bullet points on homepage
(2) Get top menu on forums homepage to fit, and
(3) Change the name of the links in this menu.

Every time I've asked for help here before I've always got great assistance so hopefully someone will be able to help me out.

Many thanks,


That seems to have done it. Damn Dreamweaver.

Anyway the whole thing seems to be running fine now.

Thanks Rickard for the help and for the forum script.


Thanks for the help guys.

Thats a shame about the timezone thing but I suppose it's not too bad.

On my second question:

You were right, the > was missing. I added it in but I'm still getting this message when I sign in or post a message:


and just this ">" up the top of the screen the rest of the time.

Any ideas?



Hi there,

First of all well done on the forum. It's just what I was looking for: much faster and more straightforward than phpBB.

Now I've installed it here on my website:

It seems to be working fine but there are two thing I was hoping for help with.

Firstly, can I adjust the overall time zone of the forum. My server is in Californa (about 9 hours behind where I am). I went into the Admin panel and changed the time zone in "options" but this only applied to me. When I logged out and visited the site the posting I had made was being shown as the wrong time again.

Is there some way of fixing this so that everyone sees the same (right) time.

Secondly, the following line keeps appearing at the top of my screen at various times (eg. when I choose login):


It's not really causing any problems with the script I don't think, but it would be great if I could get it to go away!

Thanks again for the forum script and I hope you can help me out with these problems.
