(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

Right, the hook is probably in a loop...

Try this on line 31:

        <hook id="in_start"><![CDATA[
function words($string, $words)
    return implode(" ", array_slice(explode(' ', $string), 0, $words)) . '...';

and delete

function words($string, $words)
    return implode(" ", array_slice(explode(' ', $string), 0, $words)) . '...';

in line 32

Ishimaru Chiaki wrote:

Ubuntu user as well ?

Ubuntu fan, actually smile

Ishimaru Chiaki wrote:

(By the way, was this the right section for style support ?)

I guess...

.brd .text input {width: 95%}

Works for me.

Ishimaru Chiaki wrote:

I double-checked the filename and the CHMOD and everything is OK.

Try setting the background from the _cs file.

Ok, something had to be wrong on your side, because, like it said b4, it works for me.

That's really weird... try changing line 58 on the extension's manifest.xml to:


then reinstall the extension.

Ubuntu! big_smile Anyways, use "width:95%" on it.

Also, you should decrease the left padding on the sets:

.brd .sf-set, .brd .mf-set, .brd .txt-set {
    margin: 1.417em;
    padding: 0 0 0 15em;
    position: relative;

Thanks for the report smile


(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

Replace line 33 on manifest.xml with:

$words = 4;

$forum_page['item_body']['info']['lastpost'] = str_replace(array(format_time($cur_forum['last_post']), '<cite>'),array(words(forum_htmlencode($cur_forum['subject']), $words), '<cite>'.format_time($cur_forum['last_post']).'</cite><cite>'),

and on a new line after line 32 add:

function words($string, $words)
    return implode(" ", array_slice(explode(' ', $string), 0, $words)) . '...';

Note: I haven't tested this.


(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

or a 4-word limit?

It should work... it definitely does for me.

That's good.


(31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

You should use the query builder for the uninstaller code... never use direct queries, there could be cross-database type issues.

You need this?

'ip' => array('datatype' => 'VARCHAR(15)', 'allow_null' => false)
'rating' => array('datatype' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'allow_null' => false)


(31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

o_ratings_category is an option, right?:

$query = array(
    'DELETE'    => 'config',
    'WHERE'        => 'conf_name in (\'o_ratings_category\')',
$forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);

You need the small gap - otherwise, the preceding and succeeding elements will meet (aka look ugly).


(31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

If you create_table('categories'), then you drop_table('categories') smile


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

That's really nice, but 1, the header is a bit too big and has too much top and bottom margin, and 2, the background pattern is a bit weird? big_smile


(14 replies, posted in Discussions)

You could get your salt from your user row then SHA1(password + SHA1(salt))


(14 replies, posted in Discussions)

I thought the forum used SHA1?


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

Your preview link is using the Informer theme....


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

I guess the second one should be deleted.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

smile Good to know!


(31 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I don't think you really need AJAX for that, just JS and absolute-positioned boxes.

If you really want to make extensions you can call your own, you should start figuring out what does what and learning more PHP. I say this because it'd be cool to have another extension developer to talk to and share ideas, not because I want to annoy you or be mean smile

        <hook id="ps_do_smilies_end">
$text = str_replace('width="15" height="15"', '', $text);

Well, you would have to edit your Wordpress style.


(2 replies, posted in Discussions)

http://slickplaid.net/ek_chatlite-0.6.0.zip Ajax chat extension

http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … rum-index/ more info