I'm sorry this is not helping, but you're using 'DS' instead of a dash '/', why?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

Read the instructions in the 'extern.php' file.

The 'o_additional_navlinks' config is where manually-entered links go.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

I don't see why it isn't secure. You're just showing guest-viewable content to robots instead of guests.

I think the percentage of people that know how to change their User Agent header isn't high enough to stop you from making your site SEF and, eventually, getting more views.


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

I noticed 'text/xml' is being used on the output_xml function in 'extern.php'.

Wikipedia says 'application/xml' is the way to go...

It was missing a slash. Sorry.

            <hook id="fn_generate_navlinks_end"><![CDATA[
            global $base_url;
                if ($forum_user['is_guest'])
                $links['login'] = '<li id="navlogin"><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['login']).'"><img src="'.$base_url.'/img/blink.png" alt="Login" /></a></li>';


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

I mean that I like it smile


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

I'm digging that documentation smile


global $base_url;

to the top of that hook.

<hook id="fn_generate_navlinks_end">
    if ($forum_user['is_guest'])
        $links['login'] = '<li id="navlogin"><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['login']).'"><img src="'.$base_url.'img/navlogon.png" alt="Login" /></a></li>';

I guess that could do the trick...

Replace Line 372 on 'search.php' with:

            $forum_page['item_body']['info']['forum'] = '<li class="info-forum"><strong><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['forum'], array($cur_set['forum_id'], sef_friendly($cur_set['forum_name']))).'">'.$cur_set['forum_name'].'</a></strong> <span class="label">'.(($cur_set['num_replies'] == 1) ? $lang_forum['Reply'] : $lang_forum['Replies']).'</span></li>';

Common errors like empty message, etc. are shown before you post, but if you've modded your files, some PHP warnings could be "skipped" and not shown to you.

I guess you could just set it to 0 with no problems...

What if the message on the redirect is an error? You wouldn't know if you set the time to 0.

Actually, the "Topic Title" part of the table doesn't have a line break.



Same thing with my test forum:


It's OK...

I guess that if whatrevolution had only acted friendlier, like you did, I would've fixed it right away.

Anyways, it's fixed. I applied PHPLizardo's patch.


(76 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Then it means you don't have PHP5 or some functions are disabled.


(76 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Try changing line 125 to

$xml = arrayToXML($array, 'urlset', $atts, false);



(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)



(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Could anyone test it? smile

Coming up with a list of commonly-used libraries and assigning each one of them a common name would help even more.

Here's a list of JS frameworks/libraries: http://ntt.cc/2008/02/13/the-most-compl … -list.html

Oh yeah... that didn't come out very well... I could give it another try some day...

I think user avatars are stored in 'img/avatars/{user_id}.{format}' on PunBB 1.2.

If so, use this PunBB 1.3 function:

function generate_avatar_markup($user_id)
    global $pun_config;

    $filetypes = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png');
    $avatar_markup = '';

    foreach ($filetypes as $cur_type)
        $path = $pun_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$user_id.'.'.$cur_type;

        if (file_exists(PUN_ROOT.$path) && $img_size = @getimagesize(PUN_ROOT.$path))
            $avatar_markup = '<img src="'.$pun_config['o_base_url'].'/'.$path.'" '.$img_size[3].' alt="" />';

    return $avatar_markup;

Then, just figure out who's online and use that function to get their avatar's HTML.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

A link to the forum will help me help you smile