I'm thinking about an updated version of this mod, in which I would use metaphones to further enhance the search ...

this would enable searches similar to those on google, where for example, a search for "inovative" would produce a link at the top of the page saying, did you mean "innovative" - that is, it'll help you out if you can't spell your search terms correctly.

this would of course be implemented as a "fall-back" only - that is, if a search for "inovative" returns no results, it will then try a search for something that sounds like "inovative" instead.

this would mean an increase in search index tables, and a times two increase in search time for searches that would otherwise return zero results - so of course I would make this extra feature optional.

any comments on this idea?


(137 replies, posted in News)

I'm so glad to see my smilies put to use! cool

I noticed one very minor "bug" - look at the page selector ... it displays "1 2 3 4 5", but on the 5th page, it displays "1 ... 3 4 5", which doesn't really seem to make sense? replacing a single number with "...", which actually take up more space than the number itself would have ... wink

well, I assumed that it was me - that I did something to break the editor, so I shaved it down to next to nothing, the bare essentials, 15 lines of code just for testing, but the problem persisted.

I then decided to "spy" on some of the other commonly used boards on the net:

Invision Power Board (IPB)
madtracker.org (custom)

(also looked at miniBB and two or three others, but found no others with real BBcode editing)

... they ALL suffer from this new bug, so now I'm assuming it's a bug in IE6 SP2 under WinXP SP2.

I guess there's nothing I can/should do about this, then? I guess we can only hope m$ is going to fix it? ... they introduce new bugs every time they update IE! sad

You can't reproduce the problem I mentioned under IE? ... what version of IE are you using? (mine is IE6 SP2 on Win XP SP2)

Try drag-selecting some text, then apply bold - on my machine, the selection disappears, and the textarea looses focus...


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Good argument, but the search engine problem remains.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Clever - but as you pointed out, it doesn't solve the search engine problem. And it's a waste of bandwidth wink

hmm, now it's giving me problems in IE ... doubleclicking to select some text, then applying, say, bold - works fine ... but left-drag to select some text, then apply bold, and - oops - the text is deselected. Annoying. I can't figure out why. Any ideas?


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I would like an option to display an announcement only on the frontpage, not on every page - I find it extremely messy, and it's going to affect search engines negatively when they try to index the pages...

Fixed (?)

It's a weird little Mozilla bug - if your onClick event on Button objects don't return false, it submits the form, apparently ... only Submit objects are supposed to do that, afaik...

Uploaded again - more style, hints are displayed when you roll over the buttons, a small bugfix for Mozilla, and focus on the control now sticks if you accidentally click next to a button. (the latter works best in Mozilla, since, apparently, IE has a small focusable area next to every button, on which you can't detect clicks)

Just uploaded again - now has actual buttons, with state (open/close) indication on them smile ... tested in Mozilla Firebird and IE6. A small bug in IE will cause selection to disappear if you select everything and then apply a style, such as bold. No cure, as far as I can figure. But also no big, I guess. Everything else seems to work. Feedback, anyone?

Thanks, that was helpful - and pretty easy smile ... Try this again:


I downloaded Mozilla Firefox 1.0 for testing, and the script should now fully support that.

(This makes the script about twice as long with some repeated code - I may decide to clean it up, but it's only 3500 bytes of javascript, and if it's put into an external javascript file it'll get cached on the client anyways, so...)

Good - as said, those features only work under IE ... I don't know if it's even possible to implement under Firefox?

Since we ported our forum from MiniBB, some people have complained about the very simple post editor. I've seen the "post enhancer" mod, but I'm not too happy with that, so I'm writing my own.

Features: You can apply bold/italic/underline/code/quote/url to current selection - or if nothing is selected, open/close tags will be generated on first/second click. The URL button provides a prompt and generates the appropriate code.

For testing, it includes just one smiley now - the finished mod will of course generate smiley buttons according to your configuration.

It should work on IE4 or newer on Windows, but basic (dumb) functionality is provided for minority browsers, so it shouldn't cause errors on those - I only have IE6 to test with, so please specify your browser/version when posting your test results...


Thank You! smile

$subject = "ALMOST ALL UPPERCASE dude";
$subject_upper = strtoupper($subject);
$count = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($subject); $i++)
   if ($subject[$i] == $subject_upper[$i])
if ($count / strlen($subject) > 0.9)
   echo "stop right there, you uppercase MORON!";

or something? (I didn't test that)

Does it look for a percentage of uppercase chars, or could you fool it just by placing a single lowercase char in your message? wink

Stemmers are available for a number of different languages here - however, they're available only in C and Java, so someone would have to translate them to PHP ... or you could use stem-php (A PHP module) if you know how to build it, and if you have root access to install it on your server...

It seems the all-caps protection doesn't work ... I've set "All Caps Message" and "All Caps Subject" both to "No", but still, nobody has any problems making posts like this one...

Can anyone test and de/confirm this please?


I've updated the mod (see edited post at the beginning of this page) to resolve some warnings that would occur when editing an existing post.


(72 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

neat! smile

I've been talking to Kristoffer Jansson (punres.org) and hopefully we'll work together at some point and integrate PunMod with his site - possibly with a liveupdate feature and integration with PunBB's administration system, time will tell how far we get ... at the moment I'm not doing much, since my right hand is broken and typing takes forever, but after new year, hopefully I'll find some time to finish what I've started wink


(72 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

anyone been testing this? smile


(12 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Gary13579 wrote:

that mod would hide you from the online users list. he wants a mod that will hide you on the user list.

both, preferably - I want to be completely invisible wink


(12 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I am the technical administrator of a forum, where the client I'm administrating the forum for is merely a moderator - since we don't want the customer to have admin access and potentially destroy the forum setup wink

Now the problem is, at times, the forum users will see me as "admin" in the userlist, and write to me with questions that I can't or shouldn't answer, because I'm only the technical administrator of the forum.

Thus my request: you currently have three options for privacy:

Display your e-mail address.
Hide your e-mail address but allow form e-mail.
Hide your e-mail address and disallow form e-mail

I would like a fourth option:

Hide your e-mail address, disallow form e-mail, hide from userlist

Or perhaps just a "hide from userlist" switch, separately, not sure what's best...


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

When I try to post in feature requests (on this forum), I get an ugly error message - "precondition failed in /post.php" or something similar ... what gives?


(72 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)



just the prefix thing for now, let me know how that works for you...