(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)


FLUXBB 繁体版本,主要是台湾的meow和coolhd在作。国内,也有简体中文版本的。FLUXBB所有中文版本,都只是到了BETA2版本。等界面定下来之后,就可以开展 RC版本的翻译工作了。希望到时候,能够合作。



(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

如果你作FLUXBB 简体中文版本会有的。正在筹划中。


(61 replies, posted in News)

Good news. ~~ I like it. cool

Glad to see the RC of PunBB. Whatever the feature it will, I want to see the feature/function which it only belongs to PunBB.

If follows the FluxBB, There is no future. Where is the originality/idea ??


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh, perfect. wink

God! I dont know why they block the site? Looking for the reason ~~


(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

Went to http://www.fluxbb.org

If using punbb 1.3 beta you can configure the size of avatar at the direction as follow:

My PunBB forum » Administration » Settings » Features  » 5. User avatars (upload and size settings)


(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't know what will happen. I like both of them. I am concerning about the compatibility of punbb & fluxbb. If I want to development extensions of them ? What will I do? hmm


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)



(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Sorry, It is my mistake. My punbb is a older 1.3 beta version. hmm


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

The firebug find the error here:(firefox 3 beta 5 firebug 1.1beta)

document.forms.postmessage is undefined
insert_text("", "")viewtopic.php?id=... (line 356)
onclick(click clientX=264, clientY=449)viewtopic.php?id=... (line 1)
[Break on this error] msgfield = (document.all) ? document.all.req_message : document.forms['postmes...


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

The bbcodebar extension is not work in my local host while i browse it with Firefox 3 beta 5.
I am not sure what has happen. It is OK in the other host although i use it with the same browser.

If the hooks are written by not only one programmer and there are variables using the same name. What will happen? It will hard for us to find the bugs.:P