
First, I would say a great "Thank you" to punbb developpers.
I'm using it for months for a paintball community, it works like a charm.

Now I'm trying to add a module for mass paintballs purchase directly from a topic.
In the first post users could specify the amount of paintballs they want then informations will be added in the db.

For this I'm using a bbcode which execute php functions when the post is parsed.
I've added these functions in functions.php (I tried with a external php script, but i have some problems with "require" directives).

Now my problem is the following, when the php function is executed (It access to the db, and display informations) viewtopic.php display only 1,2,3 or 4 posts of the topic.
I think the problem comes from the $db object global déclaration in the first part of my function. Could it be possible that the "instance" of $db interfere with another $db object ?

Thanks for your reply and sorry for my english ^^