Kindly forgive me for intruption, But Smartys is not this all possible (whatever twohawks wants except auto log-out for certain no of idle minutes) if the user dont view  "Save Username and Password between visits" setting in user's profile:privacy form, or while completing the registration process. & internally the administrator sets this setting as disabled globally for all., If yes than how to disable this setting permanently & hide the "Save Username and Password between visits" setting in user's profile:privacy form & also in registration form.

hello, I thank you very much for your kind guidelines ... I have loaded the version 1.2.17 on my intranet site
& it is operational now.. I have not yet un-installed the 1.3 beta version yet.. I will keep it .. that is my Ist BB you know...  Both are in separate directories & are using separate Data Bases. I have changed the URL of forum to link the new directory..

Thanks indeed for you kind guidelines.



Is it possible to install PunBB 1.3 beta & PunBB1.2.17 together, Actually I installed PunBB 1.3 beta on my organisation's intranet site & later on it came to my knowledge that I actually needed version 1.2.17 .. So now can i install 1.2.17  without un-installing the 1.3 beta version. If you give me green signal Than it is only the matter of changing one singal URL on my intranet site e.g. it is now "" & i will change it to
" of new directory where i install 1.2.17)"

Submitted for your kind opinion please ...

So what you suggest me, should i try to uninstall 1.3 beta & reload 1.2 , or should i wait for the release of 1.3 & than upgrade to that. & if i choose to reload 1.2 than what may be the steps involved to properly un-install the beta version. (-:

well, I tried to find the 1.3 Beta talk forum .. but no post found there...
kindly enlighten me please ..

I tried install the 2nd mod, BUT not successfull, My forum page went blank & so , I revert back to my backed up index.php file. It seems to me that the mod was released keeping in view the earlier version of PunBB & I have installed PunBB 1.3 Beta version, So is it possible for me now...


* Divnain *

Thanks for being so kind to guide me yemgi (-: .

Actually Smartys I thought that may be i can do some modifications in the index.php so that's why i asked for your valuable guidelines,Because
You hold full command on this & for me your word is the last ...

So following yemgi's & your's kind guidelins,I searched Punres & found these :

1. http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=428  ==> it is mod version 1.0
2. http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=1883  --> this is mod version 1.5

Off the above two I will try the 2nd one i.e. version 1.5 & will revert back after checking that.

Thanks for being so kind..

Respected Smartys, Help me please ....

what i am trying to say is e.g. the main index page of our PunBB forum shows only Announcement & three catagories i.e.
2.PunBB Additions
                    and if i wish to go to modification forum than Ist I ( the user ) clicks on category 2 i.e. PunBB Additions & than he clicks on the modifications forum & than his desired topic becomes visible.

But is not the coding similar to that we view different forums on our index page & these forums than collapse to topics on clicking, Similarly is not it possible that we do coding of our caagories in same manner so that they may collapse on clicking & show different forums under them, only after clicking....

Is it possible that only catagories are visible on my main forum page. This is because I have as mush as 7 catagories to put on my forum page & each catagory have 7 or 8 different forums, in which my users will put
their different topics. So in normal view the page is having very long view & one has to scroll down to search his/her catagory / forum . So it will be more easy if the mage page shows only catagories so that one can click
his desired catagory & than the Forums present in that catagory become visible.kindly guide me please.

roOl wrote:


I've the same fatal error :
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare check_cookie() (previously declared in /mnt/140/sdc/f/1/teamfordelirium/forum/include/functions.php:28) in /mnt/140/sdc/f/1/teamfordelirium/forum/include/functions.php on line 28

the mod is : PBB ChatBox 2.0

Please help !!

.    .

Well, I am new to programming but it looks like that while coding you tried to redeclare the check_cookie() in /mnt/140/sdc/f/1/teamfordelirium/forum/include/functions.php on line 28 , so try by giving a new name like check2_cookie() in
/mnt/140/sdc/f/1/teamfordelirium/forum/include/functions.php on line 28... may be it works , if not what message it gives now.
Oh yes .. PLS KEEP A BACKUP COPY OF  /mnt/140/sdc/f/1/teamfordelirium/forum/include/functions.php  BEFORE MODIFYING IT

i changed
'ORDER BY'    => 'p.id',   <b> to  </b>
                                         'ORDER BY'    => 'p.id DESC',

The above gave me the desired results, Thanks for your kind guidelines..


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

yes, Correct.. punBB is really fastest..  & Why u think that it is really popular.. Actually other BB softwares like phpbb/vbulletin may have got initial popularity but punBB is  easy to maintain & installs in only some quick steps & this is the thing that will make it popular in coming time.. U know I was really struggling to install my own BB & I tried to install phpbb etc. , But that was so complecated & there was no such support (as we get here in punBB) & so i was loosing my hope to fullfill my desire to set my own bulletin board & one day my one friend told me about punBB (This proves that punBB is gaining popularity ) & I came here & Now, My forum is installed & functional on my interanet site

Smartys wrote:

Just add DESC to the ORDER BY part of the main query in viewtopic.php

Today i changed the line    'ORDER BY'    => 'p.id',  as  'ORDER BY DESC'    => 'p.id',
But view of  posts in my forum's post remain same. Kindly Guide me.


wow, Thanks for your kind & timely help , I will do this  & confirm back to you. Thanks once again

Is it possible to view the current replies First in a topic area .. I mean to say .. that at present if I start a new topic & someone posts reply than my original message shows in the first line & Ist reply in the 2nd line & so on .. but gradually this results in creation of many pages say 3 or 4 & to view  the current reply i have to go to 4th page & view the last reply .. BUT I NEED EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF THIS.. i.e. I need to view current
reply in Ist page Ist place.

PLease help & guide me