(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

NEEEEVVVERRMIND. I got it. I modified post.php coding to the last code above, and it worked. Voila. smile

I am sure the fix to this is simple. But I want a way to modify the POST.php PHP protocols to automatically check the user notification box, so by default users are notified of replies to their topic. I looked over the code, and searched a bit here, but I assume one of your PunBB cool people, could help me out quickly. smile Thanks!


Looking here, I see multiple routes I could take... This is the code for the checkbox notification option.

$checkboxes[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" value="1" tabindex="'.($cur_index++).'"'.(isset($_POST['subscribe']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />'.$lang_post['Subscribe'];

I could change to:

$checkboxes[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" value="1" tabindex="'.($cur_index++).'"'.(isset($_POST['subscribe']) ? ' checked="checked"' : ' checked="checked"').' />'.$lang_post['Subscribe'];


$checkboxes[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" value="1" tabindex="'.($cur_index++).'" checked="checked" />'.$lang_post['Subscribe'];

Will that work? Or cause a problem?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

NiCk Newman wrote:

forums r a bit slow, pretty mess imo but i like it

and what host ur using?

punbb is meant to be fast ur forums are loading as same as ipb 2.2 witch is like slowest forum ,lol

Using 110mb.com - Free Hosting - The best I've found anywhere. It may be my BBClone Stats scripting. It has been slowing things down.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

PunBB has to be the best most simple forum I have yet to find.. It fits into my website GREAT! (With a little modding)
