So should we expect four or five years as with phpBB? :-D

OK, dumb question - I don't need to hear "When it's done". I have a relatively large phpBB forum (8000 posts, about 10MB) I want to transfer to punBB. The problem is, current setup has an encoding "mismatch" - the forum has been incorrectly configured in the past, so it converts character sets several times to no specific encoding, but it works (so I don't touch it).

I would like (I want to) use purely Unicode (or rather UTF-8) after I convert the forum, so I have to wait for a quite stable version of 1.3 branch (which might be release candidate). I don't need to know a specific date - just an estimated time frame. Is the "quite stable" (as in it installs, it doesn't loose posts) version (release candidate or 1.3.0) going to be finished next month? In two months? In half a year? Just an educated guess, please, so that I know when to come back or whether to look for an alternative.

Just a quick note: you don't have to loose all of your SMF passwords. Simply, check which hash (it's not encryption) PunBB uses (probably MD5), then add an extra field in SMF user database and edit its login script - whenever a user successfully logs in, save a new hash of his password together with his account name (you can save to a flat file, too). Let this run for two weeks (don't forget to clean sessions in SMF) and you will be able to transfer most user accounts.

I use this system with phpBB to sync it against ftp users database (different hash).