Smartys wrote: as base URL (make sure you removed the config cache PHP file if you updated the database manually) should work. Of course, the redirect has to be working first (it isn't right now). wink

Yup, I turned it off for debug.  This seemed to fix the problem .. I also had to empty the Safari cache, and for good measure, removed the punbb cookie and remove anything related on my keychain.  Probably overkill but we're now on the air.

Gotta say I love punBB .. I'm testing it for a new community site as well as for my own site.

BTW: We may decide .htaccess rewrites are not such a great idea, and simply rename the punBB/ dir to forum/ or some other dir (lounge/ was one suggestion!).  Presumably I'd go through the same steps: make sure database is pointed to the right url, ditto for Base URL, dump the cached .php files etc, right?


yemgi wrote:

Have you emptied PunBB's cache folder after updating the base url ?

Yes, but its possible I got the sequence wrong of changing the database by hand and removing the cache and editing the Base URL field (from to and back again!)

I guess my real question is: should using .htaccess to rewrite punBB/ to forum/ work?  And if so, is there anything I need to do other than the .htaccess rewrites .. like change the Base URL and other Administration -> Options settings?

Thanks for the response, BTW!

I've installed punBB in a subdir of my web top level dir.  I installed it as punBB/  (our administration policy is to install all CMSs in their own subdir, using their own name)

But I'd like to change the url used by the users to something like forum/ using .htaccess.  I used a fairly simple rewrite:
    #Note: Trailing Slash problem due to forum not being a filesystem file or dir.
    RewriteRule ^forum$ [L,R]
    RewriteRule ^forum/(.*)$ punBB/$1 [PT,L,QSA]

It works fine for use in a forum, but gets a HTTP_REFERER when I save my options in the admin pages.

I tried changing the Base URL as suggested in the sticky for this forum, but it did not solve the problem.

Does punBB work well with .htaccess files?  Should the Base URL setting in admin->options be the punBB/ dir or the rewritten dir (forum/)?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Following the install instructions (very clear, btw), the config.php file created for me had no terminating "?>".  The last line was:
define('PUN', 1);

This doesn't look right, correct?!

   -- Owen