Fixed the problem!
2 2009-10-12 08:02
Topic: How do I get this template onto my punbb forums? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
It's called "php subsilver"
It's really nice... I want it on my punbb forums
My version is 1.2.17
can someone link me to a DL? D;
And tell me how to download or link me to a tut?
3 2009-08-27 14:48
Re: Kids posting when not even registered.. (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Yea still having the problem. He stopped awhile ago, but I would love to fix this lol.
4 2009-08-21 09:07
Re: Kids posting when not even registered.. (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Yea... I tried many things, and all failed.
5 2009-08-21 06:18
Re: Kids posting when not even registered.. (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
He's also able to use any name as he wishes, so.. He could use my name for example, or any other name.
I don't know what's going on nor I can't fix it.
The only way to stop it, is to put my forum on maintenance mode...
6 2009-08-20 09:24
Re: Kids posting when not even registered.. (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Nope, it's unavailable.. won't even let em click on his name to go to the profile.
Here's some pics..
Whenever he posts...
He also posts many times in like the matter of seconds...
and this is how a normal profile post should look like >_>
7 2009-08-20 08:00
Topic: Kids posting when not even registered.. (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
There's this kid, that will pos ton my forums, and his name isn't even registered.
Every time he posts, he posts it like 5x as well, even though he only posted it once.
I really need help because he just keeps spamming my forums with it
8 2009-04-18 19:50
Re: Is there a scritp... that... (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
9 2009-04-18 19:28
Topic: Is there a scritp... that... (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Is there a file/script that can delete all the players that havn't logged on in like a month or somethnig -.- ?
10 2009-04-11 19:52
Topic: Whats the best chat script I can use for my website? (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I don't want AJAX or IRC. I just want something I can whip up and put the html code on the side of my website so people can just start chatting right away.
Is there any thing like that?
11 2009-04-09 02:47
Re: Problem when people try to request new password. (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Thanks I don't think that the default SMTP server on my website isn't working at all, I better send in a ticket to see what they say!
12 2009-04-08 20:34
Topic: Problem when people try to request new password. (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
So on my forums, people lose their password.. They can't request a new one, the email doens't get sent to them.. Why?
ALso when I send a global email nothing happens as well?
What could be wrong with it, please help.
13 2009-01-29 04:19
Re: Another Private Message Question.. (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
that would be Email alert...
Not sound
14 2009-01-29 02:19
Re: Another Private Message Question.. (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Lol thanks.
But is there one where it makes a sound, not email o.-
15 2009-01-28 19:34
Re: Another Private Message Question.. (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I tryed already matt.
The only one i found which I JUST POSTED ABOVE, was one for 1.3 ;/
16 2009-01-28 06:03
Topic: Another Private Message Question.. (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I know in the new 1.3. punbb there is a thing where when you recieve a PM it makes a noise or something.
Is there a way to make it so it pops up saying you got a message, or a noise?
I got 1.2.17
17 2009-01-27 23:14
Re: A global Private Message sender? (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Sorry for the double post, but has anyone found it yet?
18 2009-01-26 19:09
Re: A global Private Message sender? (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I can't believe nobody can find it.
It's there i just don't know what to search for.
19 2009-01-26 16:57
Re: A global Private Message sender? (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
.. yes i don't know what it's called.
Therefore I can't find it.
20 2009-01-26 00:46
Topic: A global Private Message sender? (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
It's something like the AP Broadcast Email, but instead I send it to everyone as a Private Message?
I use to have it ages ago, but now I forgot what it's called and I can't find it.
Help me please? Thanks.
21 2008-12-20 14:36
Re: Arcade Help -- PLEASE (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Hmm.. Didn't work
22 2008-12-20 00:26
Topic: Arcade Help -- PLEASE (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I run a 1.2.17 board.
Here is a photo of when I go to arcade.php
Don't ask me re-install because I know that won't work I've tryed many times!
Once that error eoccurs I can click on any of the 4 fudged up things, and then it says this in my address bar
23 2008-12-18 19:41
Topic: Ways to make your php website faster? (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
I know I was reading somewhere, where you can use programs to make your php website run more smoother?
24 2008-12-17 15:07
Re: FORUM_ROOT?? :s (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
This is alot of work.
Is there any tools that can do this for me?
I'd be editing alot of files, is it erally worth it from 1.2.17 to 1.3?
25 2008-12-17 14:44
Re: FORUM_ROOT?? :s (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
What about this one? D:
I tryed forum_htmlspecialchars but that didn't work lol
It just gave me this error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function forum_htmlspecialchars() in (file here) line 112