i added a new menu into the profile, all if is loaded from its own php file, but when i edit the options from this menu in other ppls profiles and save it it will redirect it self back to my profile

redirect code

redirect('profile.php?section=misc&id='.$id, 'Misc Updated');

and the $id

$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;

this id is the same from profile.php, thought that might fix it
ive had this issue for some time and i cant seem to fix it, any help id be very appreciative

go to admin panel, then forums
then hit edit on one of the category, and edit the premissions, that will stop guest's form view post or making threads in a certain section

Hmm.. not sure what caused it but, i redownloaded punbb and it fixed it
either i changed something or i missed somethign i dont know
but it works now
and i found the o_base_url

thanks for the help

p.s. hey Reines its been a while its Bmms

An error occured on line 55 in file C:\LocalServer\www\forum\include\dblayer\mysqli.php.

PunBB reported: Unable to connect to MySQL and select database. MySQL reported: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX' (10061)

also where can i change the base o_base_url in mysql its not int he config table