(151 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

MathsIsFun wrote:

I have just started looking at how to make extensions, but to implement some vital bbcode extensions for my site it seems I need hooks in parser.php (yes I know it is being rewritten, but thought you might like to know some suggested locations):

Line 34, After "$smiley_img" lines so more smileys can be added

Line 320 and 329, In do_bbcode(), after $pattern and $replace arrays, so new bbcode tags can be implemented

Line 365, In do_smilies(), after "$text = preg_replace(..." inside loop so more smileys can be implemented

Line 379, In parse_message(), after "$text = censor_words($text);" so I can pre-parse some tags

Line 413, In parse_message(), after "$text = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);" so I can parse a tag

Line 425, In parse_message(), after "if (isset($inside[$i])) {" before "$text .= '</p><div class=..." as I need to undo the math tag inside code tags.

Line 429, In parse_message(), before "// Add paragraph tag...", which is the correct place for another tag

And whatever standard place you would include new functions

+1 smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Ok, but it's a PunBB extention and not a FluxBB extention wink


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

With this Extention you will, once finished adding a tag to close the topic, move and post an automatic response by clicking on a single link.

Version 0.5:
    Juste on balise : [Resolved], et lock topic.

    Lien :down

pures : http://www.punres.org/desc.php?pid=508

PS : it's my first Extention wink .
PS2 : I'm french sorry for my translation wink, if you spotted a language error, report this here wink