My incompetence precede's me roll

Just found what I've been look for here … te-a-page/

Please forgive my first post asking this but I have spent ages searching your site and google to find out how I can achieve this.

my intended site will look like this -

   --- dir 1
   --- dir 2
   --- forum

So I want a web page in root to be passed through pun 1.3 templating system to give the whole site the same feel.

I have got that page to be in pun by using

define('FORUM_ROOT', 'forum/');
define('FORUM_PAGE', 'home');

include FORUM_ROOT . 'include/common.php';

print_r ($forum_user);

But I am now struggling to get my content to display (it's only a simple <h2>Hello</h2>) and have the css, head and foot of pun.

Any help would be great fully received.