I would like o change the forum in once category to another one. And that existing forum in category 1 has posts and replies too. I want everything to be shifted to category2. is it possible? if so? how to do that. without any backend help. Coz i cant change the code here. I have just admin rights.
176 2005-02-10 07:42
Topic: Can i change forums from one category to another (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
177 2005-02-04 06:07
Re: GMail (200 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yes I found. If i want to create a new id, what i have to do. Only thing is i have to Invite? or i can open it directly? I have 49 Left
178 2005-02-03 07:29
Re: GMail (200 replies, posted in General discussion)
How to get those invitations, I opened the GMAIL account thru -- Bwongar. Now, i want to invite few of my friends... What shall i do?
179 2005-01-31 08:13
Re: i want to learn the art of css and styles... (10 replies, posted in Programming)
This is like .. "What you want is get after refreshing"
180 2005-01-20 04:52
Re: Anyone running WapSite (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
yes learn to use search
Please try to stop spamming...
181 2005-01-19 09:46
Re: Free PHP/HTML editor (99 replies, posted in Programming)
ameenullah: NetLimiter, but lets get back on topic smile
I installed Netlimiter, after that i am unable to use webserver in my system. Its locking the port 110. And unable to recv mails also. Oooo! It took 4 hrs to detect that my webserver is not working coz of this "Netlimiter." I uninstalled, and now its Pretty Cool.
Sorry to interrupt...
182 2005-01-19 05:54
Re: For those who know Windows98 (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
I am using Win98 and XAMPP, Yesterday it end up with some error, webserver is not running. And i dont know what i have to do that. Here is the screen shot of that error. http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfolders … titled.jpg
I logged into XAMPP(apachefriends forum) to find the solution, there they are not speaking english. Do anyone know where i can get the thing for me.
183 2005-01-18 11:14
Re: Free PHP/HTML editor (99 replies, posted in Programming)
Thank You, I am downloading now. Whether it will really control uploads, Will it affect the download limit.? just geting lot of Q in mind. anyway I will check after downloading....
184 2005-01-18 10:19
Re: Free PHP/HTML editor (99 replies, posted in Programming)
I am using Ultraedit, though its not free now, its Really nice for programmers. And I tried Notepad2, Its is also good. But Unable to use multiple windows like what v have in Ultraedit.
Its good to have Emule, but still a problem is, more than dowloading, its uploading the files. Anyone have solution to stop the upload and can only donwload
185 2005-01-18 10:15
Topic: Anyone running WapSite (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hi, I want to have wap site for my friends. So that they can download wallpapers, ringtones, free applications, games. everything Free! Free!! Free!!! Absolutely.....
Anyone who is having wapsite, please provide me some basic information on wap pages, and the function. Basic start I need,, Rest I can manage...
Any free Space availabel, would like to go for test...
186 2005-01-18 10:12
Re: For those who know Windows98 (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks for all. I am still searching for the fix. I put 4 questions. Somehow i am near to the solution for 4th Question. but not exactly what i want. Expecting more from you guys... Thank you once again
187 2005-01-15 12:00
Re: For those who know Windows98 (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yes i have Abyss also. I want to use APS with that. I dont want to switch from one serv to another.
188 2005-01-15 09:33
Re: For those who know Windows98 (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
I am using XAMPP, I dont want to go for win2000 /XP i want a solution for Win98 System. I have linux too. The problem is I want to use iis/pws in 98. Coz I have to give the package to the client with this OS.
(I cannot go with my chioce. )
189 2005-01-15 09:03
Topic: For those who know Windows98 (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
I am using Windows 98 for the long time. I encountered many problems too. But still i am stick to 98. Now i just want to throw this question to get the solution from you guys. the problem is..
1. I am not getting "View as webpage" option while using Windows Explorer.
2. Is there any option in 98 to enable thumbnail view? (Last Year when i was fiddling with some software, i got that option in my 98 like what we have in XP now. After formatting, i lost it.)
3. I want to use PWS in 98 for webserver, I donwloaded windows NT4 patch for win95. Its giving some "sync.." error.
4. When I use Firefox for long time in Win98, its drastically slow down the system. Later i have to restart or have to keep the system idle for few min. Is there any other fix.?
I tried ms windows updates, it downloaded some 20 MB of content(security patches etc.,) to my system and installed. Still i am having all these problems.
Any other method to get out of all this.
Thanks in ADV.
190 2005-01-11 05:15
Re: GMail (200 replies, posted in General discussion)
I tried many times to open a GMAIL Account. but its not allowing to sign up new user.
Is anyone have any other site or solution
Like to have one.. for me...
191 2005-01-05 09:57
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)
Poor Human
192 2004-12-29 11:36
Re: Free Online Games posted here (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
Its another way for killing time. Swf games are nice.. , Once we donwload it,, we can play for long without the net connection
193 2004-12-29 07:05
Re: Basic post editor (work in progress) (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
Its working fine in both IE and Firefox 1.0
194 2004-12-29 06:47
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)
195 2004-12-29 06:46
Re: wot to do (13 replies, posted in General discussion)
Another Idea is..... get into the unknown chat room and gossip
196 2004-12-29 06:32
Re: Sea surges kill thousands in Asia (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
A series of strong earthquakes rocked Andaman and Nicobar Islands on Wednesday morning as aftershocks continued to rattle the region.
So far 54 aftershocks have rocked the region after Sundays massive earthquake and tidal wave. Killer wave hits Asia
Two quakes, measuring 5.7 and 6.1 on the Richter scale, jolted the island territory in the span of 10 minutes just after 7 am today, the India Meteorological Department said.
Note: You guys can see from where I am.
197 2004-12-29 06:31
Re: Question (1 replies, posted in Programming)
almost all the websites are like this only
Try hover, active, visited and link in stylesheet
198 2004-12-08 06:55
Re: You Know PHP Script? Plz Read this massage.. (7 replies, posted in Programming)
You can find
Tutorials - http://www.sitepoint.com/
Projects - http://sourceforge.net/index.php (SourceForge.net is the world's largest Open Source software development website,)
Best thing is download the manual then just keep going with the examples..
199 2004-12-07 05:11
Re: back up the site/forums (9 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yes its good idea, by the way if somonepost the possible ways to secure the forum, it will be a nice idea. (not only backing up also how to run a safe site).
200 2004-12-06 04:31
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)