Well, did anyone ever read this message?

There are several issues within the output code of this extention, that i noticed cause of render-errors on my side with an integrated punbb.

  • id ext_instal exist more than one time

  • missing " in the label-tag of the select extention-part, when extention is disabled

and some more, just have a look on the output of the w3c-validator or wathever you might use.

My pleasure.

The XML-File I get when I click the manual check for updates link (http://punbb.informer.com/update/?versi … ;hotfixes=)in my punbb installation give me a erroneous result of this kind:

:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/informer/public_html/update/index.php:8) in 
 on line 

Next lines are normal. Looks like a simple programming mistake.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

There ist a wrong Link, when reading a message from your outbox (and  only outbox). The Link to the user who reseive this message ist like this ".../Forum/profile.php?id=username", but should be like this ".../Forum/profile.php?id=31".
Youst a little mistake, i found it by accident.

Notice: Undefined index: change status topic com in .../Forum/extensions/pun_log/functions.php on line 843

occours when select one topic by clicking the checkbox and press "Open".
By the way, what is this button actual for? hmm

EDIT: Oh, its to reopen a closed topic lol

Slavok wrote:

Hi, Phenex!
What extensions do you use at your forum?

Oh, sorry
I use these ones:
pun_extension_reinstaller,  pun_log, pun_poll,  pun_e_mail_auth,  pun_quote,  pun_admin_add_user,  pun_bbcode and the pun_repository

There is a small Bug in the /admin/options.php, that occours when you change the settings for Registration e-Mail. When checking the button "Allow registration with duplicate e-mail addresses." and press "save  changes" the fallowing php-notice is printed onto the screen:

Notice: Undefined variable: value in .../admin/options.php(232) : eval()'d code on line 9

But this seems only to happen when changing this option.
Because this is an error in an hook, it may be also an error in an extention i have installed (only the official ones)

Hope you understood me, my english is not the best one.