thx but how can i make it so that the userlist stays unaccesible to guest to

ok i got a problem after instaling your mod ,it appears  over each category
Notice: Undefined index: in in /home/vhost/ on line 107
the forum.php is the same as the index.php i had to change the name to install the miniportal mod from connorhd

this is the line 107 its actualy one of the line you ask to change in the read me of your mod
$last_post = '<a href="viewtopic.php?pid='.$cur_forum['last_post_id'].'#p'.$cur_forum['last_post_id'].'">'.format_time($cur_forum['last_post']).'</a> '.$lang_common['by'].' '.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['last_poster']).'<span class="byuser">'.$lang_common['in'].' <a href="viewtopic.php?id='.$cur_forum['last_tid'].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['last_subject']).'</a></span>';

ok found my error i hadnt made the change to the common.php file int the lang folder ,so since i made it i do not have the error:
Notice: Undefined index: in in /home/vhost/ on line 107
but i get nothing instead i simply display nothing its just like it was before the mod


ok it did partially work now i get this at the end of the forum :
Yesterday 02:10:50 by ataxyin
but as you can see there is no space in between the "name" and the "in" and the subject does not appear after the "in"

ok the space between the "name" and the "in" was easy just had to change this part
]).'<span class="byuser">'.$lang_common['in'].
to this
]).'<span class="byuser"> '.$lang_common['in'].

but i still get nothing after the "in"

ok never mind again it was my fault i had not run the small php script you posted that was for the subject
thx again and nice mod

ok made some change to the code for some esthetic i changed this :
g_common['in'].'<a href="viewtopic.php?id='.$cur_forum
for this :
g_common['in'].'<br> <a href="viewtopic.php?id='.$cur_forum

wich puts the subject on a seperate line

and changed this :
'in'                    =>  'in',    // as in last post in some topic
'in'                    =>  'in:',    // as in last post in some topic

thx it did work it does a nice job but i will try to see how to keep the standard user list at the same time
but i like this option:
restricts user list access only for mods and admins

ok ill kill you a bit more
i get this error with you code
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: idate() in /home/vhost/ on line 166

druvans wrote:

make minor changes in uselist.php, it is easy

there is a good possibility that if he is asking its becauce he does not know how


but the bb code for color is allready in punbb

Connorhd wrote:

there is a way but it would require the code editing, i might add it later (i'm just working on the wiki mod release)

ok thx

is there anyway of making it display info from a category instead of a forum or how can i make it display news from more then one forum id

oh ok i see my bad i did not understood well at first what were the modification you had made so yes i have the good one

thx again for the info

ok thx for this info ill try to see what i can do to roll back the forum code and as for the integration of the old poll ill have a look if i really what to keep them if not ill pull them out thx for you time and ill get you in the chanel if any problem related to this subject arise

Connorhd wrote:

the new management feature is adding, to upgrade you just overwrite you old plugin and it will detect all topics created by the plugin

humm have you uploaded the modifyed plugin it does not seem to have change anything

Connorhd wrote:
Ataxy wrote:

the name of the online user is not good it should be mine but instead its the name of another user in my forum and it does not alway display right who is online ...well atleast not on my side it will only display that i am online ounce i go into the forum if its normal how can i make it so that nomather if i am in the forum or in the miniportal i get displayed

get rid of PUN_QUIET_VISIT but it means if you go to the news page but not the forum then your unread posts will be marked as read

oh ok i see did not think of that oh and by the way i would like to see more then 10 user in the list how can i make that i had a quick look at the code yesterday before going to bed but i am really new to php so i did not see anything related to it but if you can cue me on were to look or what to change it would be appreciated

Connorhd wrote:

i know but i stopped supporting punpoll due to the fact theres no point in having two poll mods and EasyPoll is better

humm thats cool ,i just wished i could have had some help as i applyed this mod along time ago before the easypoll mod and that it would be alot of trouble to pull it out from the code a i have modded but i understand that its to much for you ! (note a bit of sarcasm and deception)

shinko_metsuo wrote:

What would I need to edit to get avatars in the news page?

i second that could this be done

ok here are my problem

i get this in my index page at the bottom
Notice: Undefined variable: output in /home/vhost/ on line 29
---never mind this one it was caused by the chatbox---

the name of the online user is not good it should be mine but instead its the name of another user in my forum and it does not alway display right who is online ...well atleast not on my side it will only display that i am online ounce i go into the forum if its normal how can i make it so that nomather if i am in the forum or in the miniportal i get displayed

the side bar appears at the bottom of my forum  under the whole forum instead of appearing on the side
---never mind this one it was caused by the chatbox---

also sorry i am hit with an ignorance problem ....what does "truncate" mean???

i often have this appearing at the top of my redirecting window even if the topic i am coming from does not have a poll
Notice: Undifined index: Answers in /home/vhost/ on line 10

i know it may have no relevance but this is the line ten of the php file
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($_POST['answers']); $i++){

ok good and now did you do it ???


(67 replies, posted in News)

cows wrote:

how do i update with my forums without my mods getting screwed up???  cause all my mods usually get screwed up when i update

its a trial and error i have the same problem here

it makes the news generator plugin for punnbb automaticly generate news

ok thx ,does it work on 1.2.4

man, dude its trully great that you post mod that you made but unfortunatly for most of us the demo is useless as i have no idea what written and you dont give any description of your mod ,all there is in the zip file is a file called new.php ....i mean were do i put it should i change something etc, etc, etc....let me know or i mean us know thx!


(18 replies, posted in News)

click display console this way you will be able to change each color independantly

thx giz by the way