I've just reviewed the code that's running in production now on a WordPress 3.9 install with a punBB 1.4.2 install. The same core code works well, however, I've re-written it to improve upon my earlier post:
* Name: WordPress Posts Re-posted to punBB Forum
* Requirements: WordPress 3.9+, punBB 1.4.2+
* Instructions: 1. Edit config to match your punBB install and preferred user. 2. Add this code to your WordPress theme's functions.php file. 3. Publish a post on WordPress and see it auto-publish to your punBB.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: FWD:labs, based on code by Jones at punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/23056/wordpress2punbb-posting/
* Author URI: http://fwdlabs.com/resources/code/
* License: GPL2
function punbb_publish_post($post_ID) {
global $wpdb;
// Config
$punbbPrefix = ""; // Example: punbb_
$punbbUsername = ""; // Example: Forum Admin
$punbbUserID = ""; // Example: 2
$punbbUserIP = ""; // Example:
$punbbForumID = ""; // Example: 8
// Exit gracefully if config unchanged
if ($punbbPrefix == "" || $punbbUsername == "" || $punbbUserID == "" || $punbbUserIP == "" || $punbbForumID == "") {
return false;
// Select WordPress post based on the provided $post_ID
$wppost = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT ID, post_date, post_title, post_content FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE ID = ".mysql_real_escape_string(trim($post_ID))." LIMIT 1");
$getArticle = $wppost->post_content;
// Convert HTML to BBCode
// Images need some extra help to get to BBCode
// If WordPress formatted the image
// $getArticle = preg_replace("/<img src=([^>]+) alt=([^>]+) width=([^>]+) height=([^>]+) class=([^>]+)\>/i", '[img]$1[/img]', $getArticle);
// If a content editor formatted the image by hand
// $getArticle = preg_replace("/<img src=([^>]+) \/\>/i", '[img]$1[/img]', $getArticle);
$getArticle = preg_replace('#<img.+?src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*?>#i', '[img]$1[/img]', $getArticle);
// Remove <br style="clear:both;/">, which may break the input
$getArticle = preg_replace("/<br style=([^>]+)\>/i", "\n", $getArticle);
// Remove [caption] content
// Source: stackoverflow.com/a/16988328/1527619
$getArticle = preg_replace('#\s*\[caption[^]]*\].*?\[/caption\]\s*#is', '', $getArticle);
// Convert HTML to punBB'd BBCODE
// Improvements made for list items and double quotes
// Based upon bb2html() by Louai Munajim
$htmlcode = array("<", ">",
"<ul>", "</ul>",
"<li>", "</li>",
"<strong>", "</strong>",
"<u>", "</u>",
"<i>", "</i>",
"<em>", "</em>",
'<a href="', "</a>",
"<blockquote>", "</blockquote>",
$bbcode = array("<", ">",
"[list]", "[/list]",
"[*]", "[/*]",
"[b]", "[/b]",
"[u]", "[/u]",
"[i]", "[/i]",
"[i]", "[/i]",
'[url="', "[/url]",
"[quote]", "[/quote]",
$getArticle = str_replace($htmlcode, $bbcode, $getArticle);
// Check punBB if we're editing a topic or adding a new topic, simply based on the username and post date matching
$wppost_check = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT id, topic_id FROM ".$punbbPrefix."posts WHERE poster = '".$punbbUsername."' AND posted = ".strtotime($wppost->post_date));
// punBB found a match, so we're editing an existing topic
if ($wppost_check) {
// Update the title of the punBB topic with any changes made within WordPress
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$punbbPrefix."topics SET subject = '".mysql_real_escape_string(trim($wppost->post_title))."' WHERE id = ".$wppost_check->topic_id);
// Update the content of the punBB post with any changes made within WordPress
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$punbbPrefix."posts SET message = '".mysql_real_escape_string(trim($getArticle))."' WHERE id = ".$wppost_check->id);
// punBB did not find a match, so we're adding a new topic
} else {
// Add a permalink to the original post in WordPress to the punBB message board re-post
$permalink = get_permalink($post_ID);
$wp_add = "\n\nView the original post [url=$permalink]here[/url]";
$displayArticle = $getArticle.$wp_add;
// Modify the title of the punBB version, perhaps with a prefix like [NEWS]
$displayTopicTitle = $wppost->post_title;
$displayTopicTitle = "[NEWS] ".$displayTopicTitle;
// Create the punBB topic
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$punbbPrefix."topics (poster, subject, posted, last_post, last_poster, forum_id) VALUES(
$topic_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
// Create the punBB post in the new topic
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$punbbPrefix."posts (poster, poster_id, message, posted, topic_id, poster_ip) VALUES(
$post_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
// New topic in punBB needs first_post_id and last_post_id to successfully set
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$punbbPrefix."topics SET last_post_id = ".$post_id.", first_post_id = ".$post_id." WHERE id = ".$topic_id);
// Update the forums table with last post, last post ID, and last poster, which emulates how posts are done within punBB
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$punbbPrefix."forums SET last_post = ".strtotime($wppost->post_date).", last_post_id = ".$post_id.", last_poster = '".$punbbUsername."' WHERE id = $punbbForumID");
// Get the number of posts of the user
$punbb_postnumber = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT num_posts FROM ".$punbbPrefix."users WHERE username = '".$punbbUsername."' LIMIT 1");
// Add one to the number of their posts
$wpdb->query("UPDATE ".$punbbPrefix."users SET num_posts = ".$punbb_postnumber->num_posts."+1 WHERE username = '".$punbbUsername."'");
return $post_ID;
add_action( 'publish_post', 'punbb_publish_post' );
You can see this in action at these links, refreshed today.