Smiles bar not implemented yet in 1.4.
please implement it. its base function to click on smiles button... thx
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PunBB Forums → Posts by burina
Pages 1
Smiles bar not implemented yet in 1.4.
please implement it. its base function to click on smiles button... thx
but problem is only with my language pack (slovak). with english work correcly
how? pls
i dont know whats wrong. in IE7:
- list of topics - width is more than window
- viewtopic - i maynot add text to text area
oh, why 1 forum may not work correctly...
sorry it is OK. problem is with my oxygen style...
still not fixed... … -disabled/
i think, this is a bug. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
more than 1 the same emoticons on row, without space. example::):):):)
this is too difficult explain users - you must insert space between 2 smilies, you know.
this extension will be fine...
i have problem with topics views column. when i switch off this under administration menu, rest columns (replies, last post) are not vertical align...
i have 1.3.1
EDIT: changed subject. //parpalak
and how can i upgrade 1.3 version to 1.3.1?
i hope, you will create some nice black&white style
but now, you and develop team have to drink vodka till christmass, cause 1.3 is great job.
thanx men, i will drink for you
something is wrong. i get list of topics but lost formating.
i use PunBB 1.3 RC
super Slavok, but how can i use this code? i just start to work with punbb
is it possible to show all topics (read and unread) from all categories, sorted by last post, with new post indicator?
Pages 1
PunBB Forums → Posts by burina
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