Just recently started using the Google Reader for my RSS feeds, and after adding the Recently Active and New Topics feeds, I noticed I'm not getting any new entries once the intial subscription is entered into Google Reader. Every so often, Google Reader will ping the feeds and update, but it's not happening for these feeds.

Why is that?

thanks Smartys and elbekko.. i also figured out that i should be using if(!$pun_user['is_guest']) and not if($pun_user['is_guest']) . wink

great thanks.. and for the actual username variable, that would be $pun_user['username'] correct?

Hey all,

I'm trying to get Reinvigorate's Name Tag function working.

Here's info about how Name Tags work:

Name Tags are an easy way to identify exactly who your visitors are.

It works by associating information your site manages (username, e-mail, account ID, etc..) with the session ID Reinvigorate uses to track visitors on your site/blog.

It's extremely simple to setup, even if your site uses its own proprietary user account system. 1-2 extra lines of code and we take care of the rest.

Reinvigorate uses two global JavaScript variables which let you customize your visitors Name Tags, re_name_tag and re_context_tag. The re_context_tag variable is optional and may be left out. It's provided in case you want to associate additional information with your visitors (ie- Username/Email, Username/Website, etc..). If you use re_context_tag, e-mail and website addresses should be respectively prefixed with mailto: or http://

Name Tag Code

You will need to write server-side code to output a visitor identifier, something like the code below. This code must be placed above the function call to re_("...");

var re_name_tag = "Username/Identifier";

For example, the following pseudo PHP code shows how one might use re_name_tag. The code is based on two assumptions. First, the PHP variable $is_logged_in is set to true if a user is logged in. Second, the variable $username contains a users username.

var re_name_tag = "<?php
echo $is_logged_in ? $username : "";

After installing code like above, Reinvigorate will automatically detect the change and display name tags on any applicable report.

So I'm wondering what the punbb session variable for user is, and what the $is_logged_in variable is actually named?



(98 replies, posted in News)

yemgi wrote:
lament wrote:

Patch isn't on the server..

The document name you requested (/download/patch/punbb-1.2.14_to_1.2.15.patch) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested

roll Have you read Rickard's post ?

Rickard wrote:

At the moment, neither the changelog nor the patch/hdiff files are done. I'll sort that out when I get back from work.

he updated that after I posted.


(98 replies, posted in News)

Patch isn't on the server..

The document name you requested (/download/patch/punbb-1.2.14_to_1.2.15.patch) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested

have you ever installed it before or are you upgrading?

make sure you read the instructions carefully.

looks like you don't have permission to write.

yup it works fine.

sudhir_nyc you need to give more info on what you've tried.

got it..


having the same problem...


update.. got it fixed:


I haven't changed that file since 2005.

that didnt work.  sad

thanks tho.

sorry to cross post, but after the upgrade I lost Messages in my navigation.  how might I get that back? smile thanks!

So I just got an email from my hosting company:

Please be sure to index your tables properly - you had a query running
that was way more innefficient than it had to be - it went from checking
over 2000 entries each time to under 25:

mysql> explain SELECT * FROM 20050910_punbb_messages WHERE owner=65 AND
status=0 ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT 0,10;
| id | select_type | table                   | type | possible_keys | key
| key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 20050910_punbb_messages | ALL  | NULL          |
NULL |    NULL | NULL | 2002 | Using where; Using filesort |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> create index owner on 20050910_punbb_messages(owner(10));
ERROR 1089 (HY000): Incorrect sub part key; the used key part isn't a
string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage
engine doesn't support unique sub keys
mysql> create index owner on 20050910_punbb_messages(owner);
Query OK, 2002 rows affected (5.08 sec)
Records: 2002  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> create index status on 20050910_punbb_messages(status(10));
ERROR 1089 (HY000): Incorrect sub part key; the used key part isn't a
string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage
engine doesn't support unique sub keys
mysql> create index status on 20050910_punbb_messages(status);
Query OK, 2002 rows affected (8.08 sec)
Records: 2002  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> explain SELECT * FROM 20050910_punbb_messages WHERE owner=65 AND
status=0 ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT 0,10;
| id | select_type | table                   | type | possible_keys | key
| key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 20050910_punbb_messages | ref  | owner,status  |
owner |       4 | const |   21 | Using where; Using filesort |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


That dropped the load on your database server quite a bit!

Can someone translate this?  Was this a punbb issue or something I need to be doing?  Thanks!

oh, by the way.. the reason the tables are prefixed with 20050910 is because my punbb was hacked (back when everyone was getting hacked last year) and my host restored everything this way.

could it be possible that when they restored the db last year it messed up some indexing?

you don't have permission to write to the db i'm guessing?


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

you want it to fill the height of the browser?




seenxu wrote:

but new problem occured.
there is no "PM" link under user icon.
any ideas how to correct it...
thx wink

you didn't follow the directions properly. double check them.

seenxu wrote:

I got error message when I install this mod. it says:

File: /mounted-storage/home16a/sub002/sc18484-OWDW/www/punbb/install_mod.php
Line: 62

PunBB reported: Unable to create table messages.

Database reported: Invalid default value for 'owner' (Errno: 1067)

any ideas? how to avoid this error... thx

looks like a permission issue. login as the owner..


(40 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

my host (Dreamhost) messed with the way includes are handled, so I had to do it via CURL. and I swear I got this info from the forum..


$curl_handle = curl_init();
// Where should we get the data?
curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://www.sadreminders.com/interaction/extern.php?action=active');
// This says not to dump it directly to the output stream, but instead
// have it return as a string.
curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// the following is optional, but you should consider setting it
// anyway. It prevents your page from hanging if the remote site is
// down.
curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1);
// Now, YOU make the call.
$buffer = curl_exec($curl_handle);
// And tell it to shut down (when your done. You can always make more
// calls if you want.)
// This is where i?d probably do some extra checks on what i just got.
// Paranoia pays dividends.
print $buffer;


no it doesn't email you when you receive a PM.

I wish it did, and in fact a year ago I brought that up..

Connorhd wrote:

it waits longer than 2 seconds

if it waited longer than 2 seconds, wouldn't the page take longer than 2 seconds to load? as I said, the full page loads in about 2 seconds without the discussions sometimes.

so, let me rephrase the question: how can I get extern.php to not skip over the discussions?

Connorhd wrote:

theres no way that extern.php should take longer than 30sec to generate what it does.

but if you really want

no it gets to the point where it tries to load the info from extern.php and only waits about 2 seconds before giving up and loading the rest of the page, bypassing the discussions altogether. i want it to wait maybe 5 seconds so it will fully load the discussions.


I'm pulling discussions from extern.php and including them on the front page of my site, but sometimes they don't show. it pauses, then only shows the guests and members online, with no discussions.

any way to increase that timeout to just a little longer?

ok cool thanks.. any reason why he's the only one having this problem? a browser setting?