Sorry guys - I used another email address when I signed up here... just checked that email and saw your questions.
Ok - there's a bit of code involved to integrate the forums with wordpress... especially since you want users to only login once. What I did was use the wordpress login as the primary login.

I can give you guys the PHP code - would you like it here or via email?

Hey guys - just wanted to show you
After going through htese forums for a while, i finally managed to integrate wordpress users to punBB users and integrated punBB to a wordpress theme.

Let me know if you guys have any questions and I'll try to answer from what I learned.

Check out
Spent some time hacking punBB to integrate with wordpress... the entire site is wordpress with the forums  powered by punBB. What do you guys think?

If you need any help with your wordpress and punBB integration - send me an email or comment here and I'll try to help. It's actually quite easy once you understand the code.