Thats exactly what i ment.

Yea, this plugin works very well.

It should be added to the list of plugins on this site.

How do I delete all users and posts from the databace?

This plugin any good?

How do I use it? Paste it into a vile called AP_Forum_cleanup.php and put it into www/MyForum/plugins

Yea, that would be real usefull.  I've got hundreds, if not thousands of usres to delete and it's taking ages.

Also, for some reason some of the users will not delete.  Does anybody know why and/or how to fix this?  It tends to be spammers with thousands of posts, not spammers with only one or two posts.

Perfect, thanks a lot.

I am running a college forum using PunBB 1.2.11 and after I came back fom summer holl I found that the forum has been overrun by porn adverts and other such unwanted adverts.  They seem to be automated posts as a lot of them are similar.

Is there a quick way to delete a few hundred users and their posts?

Also, is there some sort of system where I can verify new users so stop all this spam?

To see what I mean, the site is located at:
