Sorry to hijack this thread, but I downloaded pun_bbcode for 1.2 and there is now readme.txt or anything, so I have no idea where to place the files.
1 2008-11-06 11:28
Re: How to install the mods?! (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
2 2008-11-06 11:05
Topic: Some questions about integration of forum to website. (0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
First off a link to my site: &
I know a little PHP, and managed to fetch posts to make a simple news section.
My question:
How do I integrate the forum into my site?
I looked a bit at main.tpl but that's really the other way around, and not what I want.
I want something like this: where the forum is neatly integrated.
Thanks in advance.