We own a vldpersonals script and have integrated a 1.3.2 forum.
The forum works fine except that members have problems to login.
This is the message they recive:

"You appear to have logged in successfully, however a cookie has not been set. Please check your settings and if applicable, enable cookies for this website."

I´ve managed to after 2 days work being able to login to the forum, but the problem still remains even though all members been asked to clear out cache and history and cookies.

We traced the problem to the cookiehandling and punbb is using secure cookies, wich we also have disabled.
We now need to remove cookies permanent.

Where and how can that be done?
(Or if the problem is known wich you could reveal here instead)


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

I have a website(php) and a integrated punbbforum(latest) and want to show a box with latest forumthreads.
I updated rescently fron 1.2** to 1.3** and "show forumthreads" doesn´t work.

See the "old" one below:

Your page should be .shtml and you just call the script extern.php located on PunBB root folder

<!--#include virtual="punbb/extern.php?action=active&show=10" -->
Just place that code anywhere on your index.shtml page and you'll get the 10 recent posts.
Or you can rename your current index.htm (.html) to index.php and include the next code where you want the recent posts to be displayed:

<?php include "punbb/extern.php?action=active&show=10" ?>

You can change the show parameter to your desired number of recent posts.

Anyone who can give me a hint or two? big_smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

I´ve uploaded the swedish languagepack and replaced all files in /Language/Swedish/, however there is no change.
The menu, and categories still shows åäà instead of  ÅÄÖ.
What could be the problem?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Utchin wrote:

Make sure you have downloaded the language pack for 1.3.

can I see the live site?

Hi there!
Yes sure, you can have a look as a guest since registration isn´t allowed in the forum, but you do that from the mainsite.
(The site havent had kickoff yet)
I have no idea wich language pack is installed since we had a webdeveloper doing the job and left everything in a mess.


(PS Oh, forgot to say, I´ve replaced the uncoded ÅÄÖ with AAO since it looks like crap otherwise)


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Seems that during the installation our languagepack was corupted or something, the forum is in Swedish however the categories doesnt show the swedish letters for some reason.
Since I haven´t installed this myself, I´d like to know wich files needs to be recoded and in what format.

I would be very pleased if someone could post a quick reply advise me what to do! smile



(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I´m having problems with integrating the swedish language for some reason. I´ve noticed that some files are in ansii and some in utf-8(wich it should work fine with).
Anyone with similar probs?