i trying find it but dunno
2 2009-01-07 22:19
Re: BAUGLIR theme for 1.3.2 (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
i hope someone will make it i backs from smf to punbb specially for this skin, damn
3 2009-01-07 22:11
Re: Integration with Joomla (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
I need it to, i think someone will make it hehe
4 2009-01-07 20:37
Topic: BAUGLIR theme for 1.3.2 (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
Did someone can update this theme for new version?
5 2009-01-07 18:39
Re: Transfering SMf to PunBB? (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
omfg... true
lol... so simple xd
6 2009-01-07 18:34
Re: Transfering SMf to PunBB? (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
7 2009-01-05 15:57
Topic: Transfering SMf to PunBB? (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
Founded in topic about 1.2.x version:
This is my First Post and Report. Read carefully and do at your own risk Migrating from SMF to PunBB,using latest SMF ver. 1.1.11. Download and use this Migration Tools
2. You can use same database at same host, but do it carefully. Make backup as necessary
3. Login as Admin of SMF Forum, Do all Forum Maintenance procedures!
4. Set your Forum at Maintenance Mode (number 2) at Settings.php
If you run both SMF and PunBB forum at same host, rename or remove older index.php (from SMF)
5. Install (fresh install) your PunBB (currently PunBB ver 1.2.14 )
6. Upload The Migration Tools, especially SMF folder (thanks for David 'Chacmool' Djurbäck)
7. Run Converters (index.php) --> see Readme Install Document and Follow all direction
8. The process take half to 2 hours (depend on your forum), mine took 1587 secons!
Here the my forum statistic
- Member 13704
- Categories 9
- Forums 43
- Topics 5139
- Posts 70836
See the screen-shot9. After All Process Complete, Dont forget to set Admin and Password from previous forum, ignore the Moderator user setting (you can do it later).
10. Now, when login to new PunBB forum, The last important thing is The Rebuild Search Index
Go to Administration Panel - Maintenance - Rebuild Search Index
See screen-shotWell, as David suggest.. Prepare your Coffee until the process finish GoodluckDis-advantage from this migration- Many post need to update manually, such "img code", smiley etc.
- Private Message didnt convert (this David Tools only for SMF 1.0.5)
- Different password methods apply at PunBB vs SMF
- You have to manually announce (at forum board), How To Retrieve New Password for old Members
- Just use the linkForgotten Password, thats it!Now, you can enjoy the simple and fast PunBB from the heavy and complex SMF
After running for 2 days, my forum reach
- Total number of registered users: 13874
- Total number of topics: 5181
- Total number of posts: 71369regards,
PunBB, Simplicity has been easier than before
Smart is Simple. Fast is Smart. Think Fast, You'll be Smart..regards,PunBB & SMF Fans
I'm owner of SMF board 1.1.7 version, when punbb stopped works some 2 years ago we moved our board to smf, now we wanna back to punbb when its alive again
And here is question, did it's possible to convert newest SMF 1.1.7 into Punbb 1.3.2 ? If yes, how we can do it?
Thank You all for help.