(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

Thx for this hint with indexing. But i´m not able to put this on sepcial pages. Its a global flag in the config.php. Where is my fault?


(35 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Thanks for this workaround. Great!


(35 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I installed this extension but i don´t get pm notifications at all? wtf? smile

greetz Kahmoon

yeah..i have to translate it to german. Thats ok.

thanks...no hurry smile


That would be VERY nice smile. I think many users using pun_pm would appreciate that.

I have to add aditional variables to my language template?


i think most people didn´t have a clue that a sent pm could be deleted at all. What doesn´t make sense to me anyway. But no notice at all pm is quite useless when i get no info. May be there could be a hint in main navigation "pivate messages (1)" or anything like that.


Hi there,

i would be glad if there would be an email notification about new pms. I got 3 pms in my inbox and didn´t have any info about it. I was called by phone after i didn´t answer the pms wink.


Hey there,

is there any way to activate emailnotification for pun_pm? With this missing function no one gets info that he got a private message. Thats bad sad


hmm a forumssoftware without? sad

i added this feature request

Hi there,

is there any plugin/option to get an infomail each time a user starts a new thread? Can´t find anything like that at adminpanel.



OK...the solution is to set the default value from 0 to 1 in database -> usertable -> auto_notify

when i change post.php this change is permanent for all users. unsubscribing is probably impossible after that?

i think i have to change register.php ($user_info = array())

in database its "auto_notify" field

when i add this in new user query its ignored sad

hmm not directly. I want users to have the option to enable/disable email notifications. But in users settings its deactivated by default.


Hi there,

can anybody tell me how to set e-mail notification (reply, private message...) by default? Every new registered user got this option "  Subscribe to topics by default when posting. " deactivated.



(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

i  just found the problem...the lang files for mailtemplate must be broken. with english language files it works fine. The problem are characters ä, ü, ö

greetz franky


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Nope..its in webmail too. And no mailbody sad. Just an empty mail with cryptic subject.

Hi there,

i get the following text in mailsubjects "=?UTF-8?B??" when i do some testreplys on my forum. Anyone can tell me why? I didn´t change much yet..its pretty standard installation hmm


i´ll try that. thx.

Hmm i´m adding it with CSS backgroundimage. An url won´t work here.

Hi there,

i have a similar problem. I want an linked imaged instead of an Textlink with boardtitle. Can anyone tell me how i can realize that or which template i have to edit?

