
I am facing a terrible trouble on my index page (on IE and safari) since I woke up this morning , without touching anything on my code for days !

Go there with IE or Safari : http://www.forum-scpo.com/forum-scpo/index.php

There seem to be a problem with fancy js cache.

Before, JS cache files didn't appear on my local root, and now they appear. on the local root
Before, there was a diffent CSS JS cache file for each navigator and now,  the same CSS js cache fil code every navigator, which make that it works on Mozilla but not on IE and SAFARI.


Does fancy js cache change its parameters sometimes ?

I noticed a problem o nthis extension :

When posts are moved, they automatically goes at the end of the destination discussion, not taking account of the date of posts.

I had this idea using the "move_post" extension, in which you have the possibility to move a post from a topic to another.
In this extension you have a quick move post form on which you have all the topics of your forum. It's the first form like this I see on punBB, but it is reserved to administrators, and it can only "move" a post.

I told myself that it would be a good extension to have the same form in a quick jump form to anable users to go directly to any topics on the forum, all listed on the same form.


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

You don't touch neither oxygen.css, nor style.css.

You go in the extention directory/fancy-js-cache/cache on your server

On the source code of the page, you have the ID of the cache file.

you download the file, modify

.brd {
        padding: 1.3em 2em;
        margin: 20px auto;
        max-width: 1100px;
        min-width: 400px;
        width: 900%;

It works for me now, but when I change any parameter on my portal (add or remove any panel), I have to rechange chache file.

Be careful, there are two different cache files for firefox and safari, so you'll have to make the changes on both files if you want all your users have the same portal.


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I'm on the edge on nervous break down.

It worked. And I don't know why, the website became lilke this : http://forum-scpo.com/forum-scpo/index.php , and I don't why so I don't know what to change to come back !!!

Help ! I want to die !



(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

After days and hours of research in the multiples punBB directories, I eventually found the origin of the problem, and succeed in fixing it.

Indeed, as I said I changed the .brd span in oxygen.css, but thanks to firebug, I discover that the change hadn't been repercuted on the css of the Firefox and Safari pages.

The cause is Fancy-JS-Cache. I downloaded from server the cache CSS files for the Firefox and safari navigators and put width: 900% at the .brd command line.

It works now, but it took me hours !

It's terrible because the complexity of PunBB make quite dangerous to change one's version.


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I've almost tried everything to solve this problem. Changed CSS 250 times in Oxygen.css, oxygen_cs.css, style.css on the portal extention directory. Nothing to do.

The central panel still goes down on Safari and Firefox, but works on IE7...

Definitively no idea ?


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Thank you, this works !

But it implies a cookie problem. Indeed, when the page is refreshed, it goes on an error pages saying that "you don't have cookie enabled" and you seem to be disconnected. But in fact, if you go on previous page, of if you clic on any forum page , you can see that you are indeed well connected.

How can we fix this so that you remain on the same page, connected, without this error page ? Does someone have the same problem ?


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Eventually, it works correctly on mobiles, but not on normal computers...


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I tried it, but it changed nothing. I also tried KeyDog advice, nothing too. The central column  still goes to the bottom of the page when the page is reduced... And it is the same on mobile aven when the page is not reduced...

No senior programmer on such ideas ?


Th idea seems simple (but I'm not programmer so I don't know how to create it -_-...): two php pages to create + one functionnality :

- One new profil page (added to the existing common profil page) where the users can put photo, personnal preferences, life, jobs, music and reading preferences, hobbies, etc. On this added profil page, you can put a wall, exactly like in facebook. I think it's simple because a friend of mine on another project succed in implementing facebook's personnal wall interface. The only problem is that I'm personnaly totally unable to create this.

- Another "news feed page", where all and all the "shared messages" of the profile pages interact, totally independently of what they can post on the forum (it is important that "forum messages" remain outside/separated from this news feed of all the "shared messages" from the new improved profile page. This mean that for instance, the photo of the added profile page must not appear like an avatar on the forum. Conversely, a link to this new kind of profile page can be added on the forum downside the name of users when they post a message on the forum.

To be clear, the idea is not to add something to the forum, but to create another simple interface to users, in their profile with another improved profil page outside the forum (the current profile page can remain still) and the navlink bar with a new link "personnal news feed", with the messages "shared" (not those posted on the forum unless they decide it) from their new profile page by their "friends".

- One functionnality that enable users to deceide who can feed their personnal news feed, their "friends". Only them would have access to their personnal profile page with photo and so on. If they are not "friend", thay only have access to their current profile page. (This couls also have interesting perspective over the better "internal mutual knowledge" of the users)

- If you add to this the idea of enabling users to create closed discussions and documents sharing groups, PunBB become a very powerful tool.

To my mind, This could opens considerable perspectives for PunBB. This could make and transform any forum a real social network considering the current standards of the web.

I'm sure that if you add all the PunBB forum of the world, we are close to facebook audience ! :-))

Hi there, I know I ask a lot, but I have another idea for the masters PunBB programerz :-)

Why not improving profile pages of members with the possibility to have a public profile with a "wall" like in facebook and their own news feed. That would be 2 new pages on forums, members-oriented instead of "public oriented" like what the forum are so far.

thank to such an innovation, punBB forums would offer some of the most popular kind of webpages (profil + news feed) to their users, in addition to their favorite forum] !

This could enable PunBB forum to limit the impact of facebook on their audience, and upgrade the forum to a real personnal social network. This would enable PunBB to face the grow of the most famous social network, and make of punBB the first "decentralised social network" ! One can dream...

In insist on this because I think it could really change the lives of the forums that punBB's webmasters manage.

True ! I would even say more than "more and more used" : I would say that they pass their lives on these websites instead of icq/yahoo/msn !

Problem solved (for those who asked it) : On the file chat.js replace

        if(!appendAfter) appendAfter = document.getElementById('brd-announcement');
        if(!appendAfter) appendAfter = document.getElementById('brd-visit');

        if(!appendAfter) appendAfter = document.getElementById('brd-crumbs');
        if(!appendAfter) appendAfter = document.getElementById('brd-stats');

I have a simple idea for which I didn't find any extension so far.

Give the ability to users to create groups of discussion where they can share documents/photos/ and discuss/chat in closed groups.

For instance, student groups could be made where they can share documents over a project and discuss it in a closed space/room. This could give a working environnement for small groups inside larger communities.

I think that would be great. I don't have any idea on how to program that, but if it could exist some day, it would be terrific.

I've noticed that two other people have made the same request : put the chatbox only on a panel, or at the bottom of the index page... Really no idea for this ?


Isn't it possible to put the chatbox at the bottom of the Forum index instead of top ? I try this for hours and I didn't find. Someone haas an idea ?

OK I've succeded eventually. Bravo for this extension, and for the "panel customisation" of this functionality.

Juste a question. Is it possible to not have this chat on the top of the index page but only on the panel ? Or at least, to have this chatlite on the bottom of the list of the forums ?

Thank you very much for your help and all your work.


Thank you !

Thank you for your answers.

I'll try one of these day to pass to 1.3.4 version.

I tried to re-upload the extensions that works on 1.3.3 but it didn't work. Quite strange.


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Hello and thank you for this wonderful extension.

But my users noticed some problems :

- The central panels appear on the bottom of the page when the page is reduced, and leave a large blank area on the centre of the page. As if the central panels couldn't stay at its own place when the left and right floating panels become too close.

- The central panels do the same on mobile-iPhone wiew.

It also seem to have problem with some styles.

Apart from these little troubles, it's a fantastic extension ! thank you daris !

I've installed chitelite, but when I install the extension, it says : WARNING ! Write access needed. Please give php the permission to write in ek_chatlite/data/chat.dat and ek_chatlite/data/.htaccess before running the chat.

I went on my FTP server and changed the permission on both chat.dat and chat.php.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Unfortunatelly, I don't speak the cyrillic... What custom changes should I make ? I think such an extension, usable by everyone would be very good.