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Hi, I'm looking to build my own custom forum using PunBB as the foundation. Looking at the versions available, it would seem 1.3 is way too consumer based (due to it having an extension system and upgrade system) I take it 1.2 is best for a standalone forum that can be easily modified into other PHP based systems?
Adding to this, one of the first modifications I'm wanting to do is have all the admin files inside a folder called /admin/ which files will I need to edit in order to successfully do this and have it all working correctly.
Is their an extension or feature to show the most recent topics above the forums. For an example take a look at
The body font size isnt affecting anything, its when i change the font size of an element, why have they used EM for the padding anyways???
I'm having a whole host of troubles with the styling in PunBB! Basically I have my font size set at 62.5% for the BODY! And then I have the text set at 1.1em (which is the same as 11px).
The issue with this is that all the padding messes up! For instance the item-summary isnt aligned, how have you got the padding values to make them align the way they should?
Posts found: 4