himanshu or Roz,

Either of you still around?  Any luck with posting the cookie code?

Please post it! And thanks for your help.

I got it working!  Appears that I needed to have a column in the database called id.  Is anyone working on a register page replacement?

Finally, my reason for the external database is to try to only have one login for both the website and the forum.  That is now happening as both Apache and PunBB are now using the same external database.  However I'd like to take it a step further so that once you log in via Apache you are also logged into the forum.  From what I read this is going to require that a cookie be set so that PunBB sees you are already authenticated.  Anyone have any pointers as to how to do this?


I'm trying to do the same.  I installed the extension but now I can not log into PunBB.  What type of encryption should the passwords be stored in?

Any help is appreciated as I'm completely stuck now.