(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Right so. I have recently installed the forum and at first things seemed to be going great. Accounts can be registered and settings can be set and things are generally awesome. Then (and it never happens right away), for some reason logged in users cannot browse the forum. The main page comes up just fine, but clicking on a category brings up an error page:

An error was encountered

The error occurred on line 116 in /var/www/forum/viewforum.php

Database reported: SQL logic error or missing database (Errno: 1).

Guest users, however, CAN see the topics and posts just fine. Additionally, it is possible for logged in users who know the entire path to a topic/thread to enter the URL and go directly there and see the thread and reply as normal (eg: they can enter example.com/viewtopic.php?id=1 and see the topic just fine). However searching and browsing as a logged in user completely fail.

I have disabled all the extensions and hotfixes and none of them seem to fix the problem (should I actually uninstall them?)

I will note that this problem sounds an awful lot like this one, but that topic doesn't have a solution and following the directions to enable debug mode provides absolutely no additional information.

I can't seem to find many other topics on this issue and deleting and reinstalling the forum does not seem like a valid option because I've already tried that three times and this issue still comes back.

I am using the latest version available on the home page (1.3.2) and using an SQLite database. If you need additional information on my setup, I'll look into providing that.

Any suggestions?