shit. well is there a way to downgrade to 1.2?

MattF wrote:

I doubt anyone could be "desperate" for chatbox or reputation mods, especially less than one hour after your initial post.

Check your logs for errors. Pyschic abilities have never been my strongpoint personally, I must admit.

Edit: However, if you're on 1.2, one does wonder why you're trying to run anything from the admin directory?

My site has been up for a couple days now.
i'm on 1.3.2

wow 62 views but non help?
cmon people i'm desperate.

ok so I've added a couple of mods to my site but I can't get my chatbox or reputation mod to install.
for the chatbox, I have the files
include/lib/js/chatbox.js, chatbox.js~, prototype.js

the files are all in the right place, but when I go to manage extensions nothing shows up. I also put www."mysite".com/forums/admin/install_mod.php but nothing happens.

same thing with the reputation mod

also with the style I want to use, I have the files:
I put both files above into the style folder but it doesn't show up in the style list...
any help would be appreciated.